Chapter 83

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Chapter 83

Kenley: *the next day* My bed was really lonely without Luke but I definitely won't say that to his face. Lets just say that once we got off the plane yesterday we got a cab and headed straight to the hotel. When we got to the hotel and changed into our swimsuits then went down to the pool. I tanned and occasionally went into the hot tub. Luke on the other hand was a social butterfly. He was talking to everyone and showing off his new Bo and Tate tattoos. I love the thought that he put into them. So anyway I sat in the hot tub and Luke came and sat next to me. We were talking about the wedding then all of a sudden, after giving Luke a second chance, he tries to makeout with me. So he slept on the couch. I woke up this morning to a knock at the door. I got up and opened it. It was Leclaire, Jordan, Kris, and Til. "We're here!" "Yay! Now you have the disk right?" "Yep. And your dress." "Okay good." The kids came in and Luke was still sleeping. "Why is Luke on the couch?" "Well the only thing I've asked him to do this whole wedding is get that disk from you and he didn't and he was being a total retard yesterday." "Oh honey. You're still in that dating phase. Just wait till he gets protective and stupider then he already is." I rolled my eyes then sighed. "But I love Luke with my whole heart and I don't know what I'd do without him." I hugged Leclaire then heard sheets moving. I ran over and sat on Luke before he could get up. "Hey!" I leaned down and whispered in his ear. "Kris, Til, Jordan, and Mama are here. Do not get up because you're naked." He laid there and laughed at me. "You are. I'm just looking out for ya..." "Well baby, will you grab my sweatpants? I have to go pee. Bad." I hopped up and grabbed his pants then threw them at him. He slid them on under the blanket and got up. I sat down next to Leclaire and we started talking about the wedding. We sat there talking for twenty minutes and still no Luke. I got up and walked into the bedroom. "Luther? Where are you baby?" I walked into the bathroom to see Luke passed out on the toilet. I took a picture with my phone then woke him up slowly. "Baby. Luke. You're asleep." I shook him the slightest bit and he got super startled. "Oh hey baby girl." "You passed out on the toilet." He looked down and smirked. He stood up then forgot to pull up his pants. "Luke, pants." "Shit. I am so tired." He pulled up his pants then I shut the door and he pulled them down again. "Luke!" "I have to put some clothes on!" "Okay. Well I'm gonna change too." I opened the suitcase and grabbed my short shorts and a gsu tshirt. I turned around then pulled off my clothes and put my bra on so I was just in my undergarments. Luke turned and was looking me over. "Luke, my boobs have shrunk." "I didn't want to tell you..." I hit his shoulder then finished getting dressed. When we were done we walked into the main room. As I went to sit down someone knocked on the door. I answered it and it was the bridesmaids and groomsmen. I welcomed them in even though we were already packed in this tiny hotel room. "So I think everyone's here... There's still two free days left, then after that its setup, then rehearsal, then the wedding. So tomorrow all the ladies are getting nails done for the wedding." Then Luke took over, "didnt y'all hear? Two more days! Out!" Just then Bo and Tate came running in with Austin. "I tried explaining but they wanted to see you..." "It's cool Austin." We hugged them both then Austin pulled them out of our room. "Luke I'm sorry. I overreacted." "No baby it's my fault. All I had to do was get the disk from mama but I didn't even do that. Please forgive me." "How could I not? You're adorable." I kissed him then we changed into our swimsuits and went down to the beach.


Luke passed out on the toilet 😂😂

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