Suicidal ( Cameron Dallas Fanfiction)

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Chapter One

Sadie's POV


Across my wrists,arms,and thighs,a few here and there on my stomach. My dad and mom beats the shit out of me everyday. Then, I go to school in California to get bullied. My name is Sadie Buckson. I'm seventeen years old and has been bullied since sixth grade. I'm in high school. That's saying a lot. The blood dripped down and I didn't feel like cleaning it up. My sister, Alyssa went through this and she ended up killing herself. I miss her she is the, was the only person who liked me. I end up cleaning my wounds and bandage them up. I brush my hair and my teeth and get ready for school. I put on a black hoodie, uggs, and black leggings. I check my Twitter while I'm on the bus. I have a lot if hate, things saying that I should kill myself, your a whore,slut,fat,ugly,stupid,unloved,etc,etc. The most exciting thing that I like about my Twitter is that Cameron Dallas, Nash Grier, Hayes Grier, Jack and Jack, and others follow me. Probably because they give me pity. I don't need pity, or sympathy, I don't want it either.

I walk into school and I immediately pinned to a locker by the one if many groups that bully me, physically, and mentally, and online. "Well who are you hooking up with this weekend, whore", Taylor says. I don't understand why she hates me. I've never talked to her before. But I liked a picture of her boyfriend on instagram and k guess that turned something on. "Your a tramp.", I spit out. Then I'm punched in the mouth and thrown against the locker. I slide down the locker and sit. The group walks away. Three boys walk up to me. I can't see who they are. One has bright, pretty eyes, and a nice smile. Then there is another one that looks almost exactly like him but still different. Then a tan tall,HOT, guy with brown eyes,and perfect lips. I can't see through the tears. The tan one asks me something. " O my god, are you okay", he asks. My vision comes to focus I see that it's Nash,Hayes,and CAMERON.

Chapter Two

"Yea, I'm used to it. It happens

everyday so no biggy",I say. Cameron and his friends help me up and Cameron takes me to the nurse. " I'm Cameron. What's your name". "Sadie,and I know who you are", I reply. He leaves and the nurse cleans and checks my face. I leave to go to my locker and spray painted all of m locker says: slut,whore,unloved,worthless,DIE,stay away from Cameron,Nash,and Hayes. They don't care about you. Bitch. Piece of shit. I have had enough after that. I go to my next class. Which has Cameron and the others in it along with Matt. Cameron is my partner. "We are doing a lab today", Mr. Shrawts said. We finish the lab early. Cameron actually helped. He is nice,and sweet. 'Am I falling for him. If I am I need life alert to get back up so I don't get hurt', I think to myself. Cameron gives me his number. I have vine and he follows and so does a lot of other people. But. never thought that he would talk to me or even given e his number. The other boys don't, which I understand. *ding dong, ding dong, ding dong.* " Class you are dismissed", Mr. Shrawts says. "Hey would you like to hangout sometime", Cameron asks me. "Sure. I will just text you.", I reply.

As if on cue Taylor and her

group come out and start spitting name at me. Like I said I have had it. "STOP. YOU THINK I CARE WHAT YOU PRICKS HAVE TO SAY ABOUT ME. I HONESTLY DONT GIVE A LIVING FUCK ABOUT YOU GUYS. SO GO HEAD TALK ABOUT ME, SPRAY PAINT MY LOCKER, CALL ME NAMES, BEAT ME UP. IF I WAS ALOUD TO I WOULD KNOCK THE MAKEUP OFF OF ALL OF YOU IN ONE SLAP. IM NOT AFRAID." People have stopped what they were doing and formed a circle around us, teachers are trying to get to us but can't get across the sea if bystanders. I don't stop, though. "YOU THINK JUST BECAUSE YOU HAVE EVERYTHING YOU COULD WANT YOU RULE ME. WELL OPEN YOUR FUCKING EYES AND LOOK AT THIS, YOU SEE THIS, THIS IS ME NOT CARING. STAY OUT OF MY LIFE OR I WILL SMASH YOUR FACE IN" I step in closer but then arms pull me back. I truth o break free of the grasp. I see that Taylor's face and her 'friends' are in shock, good. There is more than one parrot hands on me. I stop fighting against them. "Who are you", I ask to know one in particular. "Its Nash, and Cameron", Cameron says. "Oh, hey put me down", I say. What the fuck. "Did you get that on film, Cam", Nash asks. "Yup", he says. I start to walk off to my locker. I open it and a bunch of condoms and notes fall out. I read two of the notes and continue in the third. He boys start to walk over to where I stand. I have tears in my eyes. Not even saying anything, I walk away, then run to my house not even caring about my car. I almost didn't notice Cameron calling for me. I kept running. There is no reason for me to go back. When I get home nobody is there. Cameron is still calling for me. Up the stairs I go and enter my room. Pulling out the box that I keep all of my sharpener razors(cutting utensil) in. I left all the doors open on accident. Oh well. I don't care. No body cares. Six... seven... eight... nine... ten... eleven. I keep going until I hear Cameron running up the stairs. I lock the door and start to rinse my arm off. He's knocking really hard. I gauze my cuts up, pit my sleeve down and open the door. "I was worried", he says out of breathe. "Why", I say. "Because I care." He eventually leaves. 23 cuts. I check my vine requests. I didn't know people would do that but they do and on Twitter as well. The resent comment I get all the time is: Suicide. I don't like talking about it. But they want what's they want. " Every bodies been asking about suicide well check my YouTube so you can hear the whole thing." The first likes were Nash,Cameron,and Hayes. Weird. I really hope they don't have pity on me. Just as I'm about to turn my phone off I go a lot of notification. I was actually expecting nice things because it's that subject. But being the dumb person I am I was wrong...way wrong. A bunch of new groups and old,current groups. You should kill yourself,nobody loves you,die bitch, ugly, your talking about all of this but yet how are you still here. Your not strong, etc. This time they got to me. Cameron has seen them. He commented on it but I don't care. I lock my bathroom door. Grab the razors,add a few more times then I swallow a bunch of the pills leaving three more. Everything goes black. ( sorry I'm gonna keep going because I'm excited to write it)

Cameron's POV

I left because it was awkward.

She is beautiful, I can't stop thinking about her. She has lovely blue/green eyes, blondish, straight her, tan, skinny.(the girl on the cover)She's perfect. I check my Twitter and go on her account. She had a lot, and I mean a lot if followers but a lot, a lot, a lot of hate. I read some comments and leave one myself. Then I go on vine and see her recent video. And there it is all of her comments are hate, and they're hurtful. I go to check on her. I knock.... no answer. She's home I saw her go in and she was there when I left. I barge in and look around downstairs. Then I check upstairs. Her room is locked. I knock and knock. I bust the door down. Sadie is passed out in the floor barely breathing. Slowly..up down. She has a bottle in her hands with three pills left. She also has deep cuts in her arms with recent ones to along with scars. I dial 9-1-1. "911 what's your emergency". " Uh yah. My friend overdosed on pills she is slowly breathing but not much". " okay we are on our way". I hear the sirens. Once they arrive they check her pulse, they lift her on the gurney and put her in the back if the ambulance. I get in with her. The paramedics are trying to get her conscious but are failing. I'm worried. I was planning on asking her out. What am I going to do? What is going to happen to her?

Chapter Three

Cameron's POV

She is sleeping,and

barely breathing, but breathing. The guys, Nash, Hayes, and Matt( I know he hasn't been in it but now he is). They are all laughing about something,then it's silent. "Why did she do that", Nash asked. "She's bullied at school then goes home to abuse by both of her parents. He sister is dead.", I respond. " Wow she has a shitty life. I'm gonna post a get well soon vine for her out guys in. Also a tweet", Nash asks. We all agree and the vine starts. " We are in the hospital right now supporting a friend right now who almost killed herself. Feel better soon Sadie.", Nash says then in the back you can see her look at us confused. The vine ends and he posts it tagging me, Matt, Hayes, and Sadie."What the heck", she says tiredly. " We just made a vine and send you a few tweets", Nash exclaims. She grabs her phone and watches the vine she likes it and revines it. Then she checks her Twitter. She liked it. She reads the comments. I'm reading them as well on my phone they aren't nice. a Some say:

That dirty bitch should've died

This will only get likes because it's from them

Their only showing pity on her

Should've died.

Who are you hooking up with the week

Cameron stay away from her

etc,etc,etc,etc. They get worse, too. She has tears rolling down her cheeks and throws her phone against the wall. It breaks and she sobs in her hands. I now she bows that we didn't mean for that to happen. "Why wouldn't you just let me die", she whispers. "You don't deserve to die from yourself.", Matt says. She starts to zone out and we let her. She's probably thinking. I'm falling for her.

Sadies POV

He should've let me die.

I don't want to be here anymore. Earth is stupid and the people on it aren't even better. The world would be better off with out me. I'm worthless. I'm dumb. I'm a disappointment. I'm fat. I should die. I want to die. I will die. I'm a slut. I'm a whore. I'm nothing but a breeze. I'm like a cigarette, slowly disappearing. I have nothing. I have nobody. Im hated. Im unloved. Im unimportant. I am ugly. I am a waste if space. I am alone. I look up and see them all looking at me. Did I say all of that out loud, shit. "O-my-god. Do you really feel like all of this is true. Every thing they say?", Cameron asks. I nod. "What are you", Nash asks. I know what he means. I don't need explaining. " What am I?", I repeat. He nods.

"I'm suicidal"

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