Chapter Four

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BTW I found out how to add parts hahaha. Okay on with the story

Sadies POV

                I go home after that.

I haven't talked to Cameron since then. Actually,I want to. I miss him. Before we had our fight he gave me his number and I totally forgot about it. So I decide to text him.

To Cam

Hey I'm sorry for avoiding you. I don't even know why I was. You probably think I'm some freak that wants attention but whatever. I still want to be friends.

I send it and wait patiently. It's really late so I turn my phone off and go to sleep.

                            I wake up

and get ready for stupid school. I wanted to stay home but my mom and dad don't give a fuck that I almost killed myself. I go to my closet and get on a pair of skinny jeans with rips and holes. I put on a black lace shirt from Hollister, along with my black vans. I straighten my hair and then put an oversized sweater over me to cover my arms. My phone flashes signaling I got a text. Its from Cameron.

From Cameron

Its okay. I don't think you are a freak. We need to talk do you think you can come over to my house later. I will have Nash, Hayes, Alx James, and Matt over only for a few hours. We want you to be in some of our vines. Then once they leave we can talk.

To Cameron

Sure sounds fun. See ya at school

I start to walk to school. People in cars driving by throw things at me and shout mean names, and words. Then Taylor throws her coffee at me and I try and not to shout or do anything I keep walking. I get into the school. Go to my locker and open it. I throw my things into it and grab my stuff for class. Cameron and I talk the whole time. I'm naming ideas for the vines we can do. I invited Cameron to be in my vines as well. The rest of the day goes pretty fast. Other than everything obese being called and eventually I got into a fight which Cameron, Nash, and Matt add to hold me back to do anything else. I didn't even get in trouble. Cameron drove me to his house with Nash, Hayes, and Matt in the back. I'm holding an ice pack to my face and a few tissues in my nose, and my lips, along with my temple. It was a nasty fight and I won. It was Taylor's little bitchette. She started to harass me and calling me to many names then she tripped me and I lost it. I probably knocked all of the plastic surgery back to what it was. We arrive at Cameron's house. Alx and Chris are already there." What in the he'll happened to you", Alx says. I start to laugh a little. "I was winning a fight until the shitfaces held me back. I say pointing to Nash, Matt, and Cameron. Chris is at Starbucks getting all of us coffee and a few other coffee stuff for our vines. My nose stops bleeding so I go and clean up. I have a big bruise in my eye,cheek, and I cut in my cheek as well. There is a little cut on my cheek. I look like a zombie but I don't give a fuck. I will get hate anyways. Chris gets back and we start making vines it was fucking hilarious. I just don't want them getting hate on their videos because I will be in it and the hate will be directed to me. Alx is like my big brother. Nash is my best friend. Matt is my little brother because I'm older. Chris is also my big brother. Cameron on the other hand I have no idea what he is because I want us to be more than friends. I don't think it will happen. Once they all leave me and Cameron sit on his bed and start to talk.

"So why did you think I was gonna think you were some freak.", he asks. "I don't know everybody who found out that I was and left me. For what reason I don't know. Maybe they were afraid to lose a friend so they left me before I left them. I don't know", I say. "Sadie I know we just met not that long ago but will you go on a date with me on Saturday", he asks. "I don't think you want to be seen with me out in public", I say. "Why not". "Girls will come up to me and say the shittiest things then the will see you. Are you sure.", I ask. "I'm sure"

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