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He had been merciless for months now, making sure to always take you out each and every training. You had gotten absolutely enough. That is why you stood here in a corner, holding your gun in front of you as you waited. You had told everyone that if they wanted healing, they would have to find you there, but you refused to do anything else. You had gotten enough of being forced to go to Angela to remove bullets from your armour and flesh. You could hear him now, speaking those words that everyone feared on the battlefield, but that you absolutely hated. You got down on one knee and slammed a shield-generator into the ground, it being strong but small so it could only hold you. You thanked your lucky star, also called Winston, for making it to you after he noticed how much you were targeted. You waited for the sound of others becoming eliminated and got ready for a shot at your own shield. And there it was, cracking your protection a little. Instantly you grabbed the shield-generator and turned it off before running off. As you suspected a fusillade hit the corner where you had been standing before. You ran as fast as you could, hearing the spurs of his shoes cling as he followed. Without looking you started firing small rounds of energy-bullets to fend him of but he followed you stubbornly.

"Reinhardt!" you shouted as you saw him defending the payload while running of the roof. You shot away the fences before jumping of, going towards the large man. He held out his hand to you and you fell into it before he held you closely to his chest, his shield coming up instantly after. Luckily so because your follower fanned his gun and emptied the entire cylinder, all of them hitting the shield. Thank you, you told the big man that nodded his head and then put you down, making sure you kept close to him. You pressed to Reinhardt, your healing spell staying on him as he took a huge amount of damage from the other team.

"Who the heck let Y/N get to Reinhardt!?" you heard Jack shout from the other team. You snickered weakly as you recalled how much he hated that, as well as everybody else. If you and Reinhardt got paired up together, and you healed him under the whole game it was sure win. He would fend of the entire enemy team so that no one could get to the payload during defence or attack.

"Y/N, I require healing!" you heard Pharah shout through the com before she landed besides you. You instantly diverted your spell to her, helping her heal up. And during these precious ten seconds the enemy team all forced their ultimates to get through Reinhardt's shield. A hook wrapped around your torso and you watched as Pharah's eyes went wide. A second later you where pulled through the air and slammed into Roadhog. Bullocks, managed to escape you before you threw yourself to the side, only to be caught once again by a hard metal hand. Oh for the love of god, be Genji or Zenyatta, you thought but as the luck seemed to had turned it's back to you, you faced the man you had learned to hate during these past months. Jesse McCree.

"Huh ho, excuse me, but I've got unfinished business with you." he said in that dark voice of his before he pulled you away from the fighting, easily overpowering you as he was built for fighting and you for healing. You yelped as he suddenly slammed you into a wall, the two of you being far away from the others, making no one able to hear you scream if he did anything.

"What was with that manoeuvre before, huh? Tryna outrun me and everythin'. " the cowboy said with a deep chuckle, but there was no amusement in his eyes. They seemed to be darker than they usually were and you tried your best to keep your body from trembling. You stared up at him, realising how much bigger he was then you. McCree stared you down, his hand still gripping your shirt-collar tightly so you were unable to flee.

"What do you want from me?" you managed to ask, forcing the last courage you had out through your whole body. He had no right to do this to you. No right at all. But his reply instantly made you question reality and the universe.

"To be honest, I don't know if I wanna kill ya right here right now, or if I want you to scream my name in pleasure." he had answered and your mouth fell open in shock. What, you had stuttered. Something flickered in the male's eyes and you could see the McCree you once had had a crush on when you joined the reunited Overwatch. His hand let you go and he groaned loudly, gripping his head tightly in his hands. His hat fell of and to your shock he didn't try to pick it up. Something really was wrong. Jesse, you asked softly, putting your hand on his shoulder.

"Y/N, it took over me. I'm a prisoner in my own body." he told you, making you even more confused. What? What took over you? Jesse what are you talking about, you asked, furrowing your eyebrows together. The cowboy groaned and fell forward towards you. You carried his all weight as he leaned against you, your eyes staying in their wide open state. You had no idea what the heck was going on. With big effort you managed to gently put the cowboy down on the ground, leaning him against the wall. You kneeled besides him, putting your hand on his cheek as his head fell to face down. You made him face you, seeing sweat having formed on his forehead. You were still terrified of him, knowing how he had acted to you these past months, but seeing him like this blended your feelings with the old ones that you had for him.

"What happened to you..." you whispered softly, stroking some hair from his face. McCree leaned to your touch, a ragged breath escaping him. You scanned his face, seeing that the veins around his mouth was dark, almost black. It looked exactly like when somebody got poisoned by one of the heavier drugs terrorist used these days. Remember that misson to London, McCree asked and you nodded your head. You did remember it, very clearly. He had returned one day along with the others, needing immediate medical attention. He had gotten shot several times and was put in the hospital for weeks. It was after that incident he suddenly changed. Suddenly he swore, bringing you out of your thoughts with a jump.

"Y/N... You gotta get out of here. Please, hurry. You gotta hide from me. From overwatch. Please." he begged you, his hands gripped into fist. Loud grunts of pain escaped him and the flickering look in his eyes told you to stay back. You got up on your feet quickly and was shocked when he grabbed hold of his gun. You thought he would shoot you, but to your surprise he fired two bullets into his own legs. You were about to rush to him, healing instincts kicking in but he roared at you to stay back.

"Just go." he then whispered, throwing his gun to the side, far away from himself. You nodded your head reluctantly and then walked towards the door, but was stopped by his voice. Take my hat, will ya? Like a memory of me not havin' lost my mind, Jesse said with a weak smile. You nodded at him and picked up the hat, holding it close to your chest before you ran away. You activated an emergency light-beam and threw it so it got stuck to the house, alarming everyone else that somebody was in danger. That was the last thing overwatch would see from you in months.

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