Chapter 1

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Skyheart above!

Amberleaf's long tail dragged on the stone ground as she padded back to Dewfrost.

"Did you find him?" Her father mewed, glancing around as if searching for Fidgetfoot, Amberleaf's former mentor.

Amberleaf nodded, sending drops of cold water flying. "I found him, but he told me not to save him. He said it wasn't worth us both drowning." She left out the part about the prophecy Fidgetfoot had told her: Follow the Blood Trail!

Dewfrost licked her head before leading her to the rest of the group. They leaped up the rocks and flopped down at the edge of the group of cats, both Tribe and Skyclan cats.

Parsleyseed dashed up to Amberleaf and covered her face in loving licks. "Thank goodness you made it safe!" He whispered.

Amberleaf curled herself in a tight ball, "Fidgetfoot didn't." She whimpered. Parsleyseed curled himself around her, comforting Amberleaf. Suddenly, a horrible thought bounced across Amberleaf's mind, "Where are the kits?"

"Brook and your sister have them." Parsleyseed reassured her.

Relieved, Amberleaf sunk back to the ground and let blackness enclose her vision.

* * *

"Let all cats, old enough to climb trees, gather to hear my words!" Cherrystar yowled. Fernwhisper jerked her head up from where she was watching Amberleaf's kits scamper around.

"We all mourn for Skyheart, for she was a brave and loyal deputy. But we must continue with our lives. It is time to appoint a new deputy." Cherrystar's Tortoiseshell-and-White pelt shone against the bare stone.
Fernwhisper stiffened. Skyheart was not only a good deputy, but also a great mentor that taught her all she knows.

Cherrystar declared, "I say these words before Starclan, so that the spirit of Skyheart and our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of Skyclan will be Fernwhisper!"

"Fernwhisper! Fernwhisper!" Her clanmates chanted her name in loud yowls. Fernwhisper stood rigid in shock as she processed what Cherrystar had said. Once she relaxed, she glowed from her tail tip to her leaf-green eyes.

"Thank you Cherrystar," She was barely able to get her voice heard. As the chanting ebbed away like evaporating mist, she padded towards Cherrystar, "I think we should let everyone rest tonight." She glanced at Amberleaf, who looked so exhausted, she could sink to the ground.

"Right. I'll go ask Stoneteller if we can stay for another night so everyone can build their strength back." Cherrystar replied, looking weary herself.

Fernwhisper gazed at Cherrystar as she trekked towards where Stoneteller sat, his bushy tail curled around his paws. Waving her tail, she went up to the fresh-kill pile and grabbed a weird looking bird. Maybe this will taste good. She thought. Taking a bite, she almost gagged at the taste of the fresh-kill. Trying to make sure no one saw her, she gulped the rest of the fresh-kill down, trying to ignore the bitter taste.

Fernwhisper swiped her tongue over her teeth and padded over to Reedthicket, "Where are we making our nest tonight?"

He shrugged, "Well, the cave is still flooded so I guess we can just sleep on this rock." Reedthicket shuddered, glancing down

Fernwhisper nodded, "It's really the only option." She led Reedthicket to the rock and settled down on top of it. Reedthicket curled up next to her, their pelts brushing. I hope we find the other clans soon! She thought with a sigh. As her eyelids sagged shut and darkness closed around her, Fernwhisper slipped into unconsciousness.  

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