Chapter 7

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Fernwhisper's muscles burned and her jaw was killing her has she heaved her sister onto the ledge. She let go and Amberleaf dropped at her forepaws.

"Thanks," Amberleaf gasped. Suddenly, her eyes grew wide with fear, "Leafkit!"

"Fernwhisper drew her tail along her sisters flank, "She's okay. Sol came back up and grabbed her from that ledge and she's right here." She reassured Amberleaf.

Amberleaf sighed in relief and reached out with her tail, pulling the little she-kit close.

Fernwhisper helped Amberleaf stagger to her paws and guided her to the edge of the ledge again. "Look," Fernwhisper mewed, pointed with her tail, "Leap to the boulder there. I'll carry Leafkit."

Fernwhisper watched as Amberleaf took a deep breath and leaped to the boulder her sister had pointed out. "Very good!" Fernwhisper called out. She scooped up Leafkit and followed Amberleaf, leaping from boulder to ledge, until their paws hit solid ground and soft grass.

"Finally! We are out of those fox-cursed mountains!" She yowled, as Sol, Cherrystar, Amberleaf, Reedthicket, and the rest of SkyClan leaped onto the grassy ground with a thud.

Scents of prey drifted into her nostrils and made her mouth water. "Reedthicket, don't you smell that? It's smells like squirrel! Oh, and vole's!" She exclaimed excitedly, "I haven't ate anything like this in moons!" She felt like a kit again being able to not worry about hunting prey.

"Me either, it will be good to get some fresh-kill in our bellies. Our Clan has become weakened from endless trekking through those mountains. Do you think a squirrel will just come up to us and we can just pounce on it from a single fox-leap away? Because there's prey everywhere!" He mewed his tail pointed towards the trees that laid above them waving in the breeze.

"Hedgehog's will fly before that happens. Even mice aren't that dumb!" Fernwhisper retorted while digging her claws into the soft soil. Great Starclan that feels good! I haven't felt grass this soft in moons.

Cherrystar suddenly yowled, "Let all cats, old enough to climb trees, gather to hear my words!"

Fernwhisper padded up beside her, while Reedthicket, Prinkleleap, Duskpeak, Windwhisp, Meadowlark, Fallowfern, Tigerlily, Finsplash, Rabbitleap, Dewfrost, Doepaw, Wasppaw, Parsleyseed, Amberleaf, and her kits gathered around Cherrystar and Sol.Cherrystar started to speak "I have decided to continue to follow Sol, for he has lead us out of the mountains. So I trust him to get us to the Clans. We have made it this far and we will not give up hope! We will continue at sunhigh tomorrow with our travels. For now everyone get rest and hunt. Meeting dismissed!"

Cherrystar padded over to her deputy and Fernwhisper mewed briskly, "Do you want me to set up some hunting patrols Cherrystar?"

"Yes, and can you take Prinkleleap with you on one? He seems to be spending too much time with Windwhisp lately, and to be honest, this is not a good time for the Clan to have kits for we still have to find the Clans before leaf-bare really comes."

"Sure, Cherrystar." She replied.

"Thanks." Cherrystar turned away and headed towards Amberleaf.

"Prinkleleap, Duskpeak, Reedthicket, Wasppaw, and Meadowlark! Want to go on a hunting patrol?" Fernwhisper called.

"Sure." They all replied in unison.

From behind her she heard a loud squeak, "Can I go on a hunting patrol?" Seedkit scrambled while bumping into her sister Leafkit.

"Me too!" Leafkit squealed.

"Oof. Leafkit, watch out! Fernwhisper won't let us go on a hunting patrol if we bumping into each other." Seedkit retorted her fur fluffed up so she looked twice her size.

"No you can't go on a hunting patrol yet, you're still kits." Fernwhisper tried hard not to let a purr of amusement escape from her throat.

"But I'm almost six moons old!" Seedkit protested.

"Me too!" Leafkit squeaked.

"Do you have to agree on everything I have to say, Leafkit?" Seedkit snapped.

"I-I- wasn't-" Leafkit squeaked, trying to defend herself.

"Okay kits, enough! Neither of you can go on a hunting patrol. You will just have to wait until you're an apprentice." Fernwhisper mewed trying to split up the quarrel, "Plus, you can't fool me, Seedkit. Everyone knows you're only almost four moons, not six moons!"

"Mouse-dung!" Seedkit inwardly sighed, her neck fur still bristling from her short argument with Leafkit.

"So... Are we going on this hunting patrol, or not?" Wasppaw asked awkwardly.

"Oh, right!" Fernwhisper licked her chest fur in embarrassment, "Stay here and behave, Leafkit and Seedkit!"

The hunting patrol headed away from the makeshift camp and trekked through long grass until they reached a wooded area.

"Should we hunt in the woods?" Reedthicket asked, padding over to Fernwhisper.

"Yes." She declared, "We will split up and find as many prey as you can. Also, look for signs of blood that could be a trail. We still need to figure out this Blood Trail my sister keeps talking about."

As one, the patrol leaped into the trees before splitting off in different directions.

Fernwhisper whisked through each branch before leaping down as a scent of rabbit drifted onto her tongue. She skidded to a halt and flicked her eyes around, searching for the delicious-smelling rabbit.

She followed the scent through the undergrowth until she spotted a fluffy, brown rabbit. She dropped into a hunting crouch, her hind paws tucked neatly under her. Fernwhisper steadily crept forward. She bunched her muscles, preparing to leap.

Snap! A twig cracked behind her.

The rabbit's ears shot up. It looked around, its nose quivering. Suddenly, the rabbit flew. It leaped up high before dashing away.

"Fox-dung!" Fernwhisper cursed under her breath. She sprang after the rabbit, following it's scent. When the scent led over a fallen tree trunk, she leaped, her paws not even skimming the bark.

She landed with a soft thud and kept pursuing the rabbit, not stopping even to regain her balance.

The pounding of her paws against the soft grass and dirt brought birds out of their nests. They squealed in terror and flew off.

Well, there goes one of my only other choices of prey! Thanks a lot, Fernwhisper! She scolded herself.

She shook the thought away and sped up. The rabbits bobbing white tail was in her sights. Just a little farther! Almost there! She encouraged herself.

She skidded to a halt as the rabbit suddenly dropped out of view. Where'd it go? I almost had it! Fernwhisper looked around wildly. She caught a flash of the rabbits white tail and dashed after it, not caring she was already out of breath. Her prey dropped out of view again, but this time, Fernwhisper followed it.  

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