Chapter 2

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Fernwhisper up top! :)

Eerie gray light filtered into the cave, reaching the shadowy corners. Yawning, Fernwhisper stood up, stretching her forepaws and purring in amusement of how Reedthicket's snore was ear-deafening. She padded down from the rock and paced up to Cherrystar, who was mewing something to Amberleaf.

"Good morning!" She mewed happily.

"Good Morning Fernwhisper, how did you sleep?" Cherrystar asked.

"I slept well, thank you, just a bit wet." She replied, making a curt nod.

"You know, Fernwhisper, Reedthicket's snore is unbearable! Don't know how you deal with it but he sounds like rumbling thunder." Amberleaf mewed gleefully.

The sound of pawsteps made Fernwhisper twirl around. Reedthicket was standing there, fuming, "I do not snore that loudly!"

Fernwhisper touched her nose to her mates ear, "You really need to hear yourself!" She purred.

Reedthicket snorted in contempt, "Hmph!" He turned and padded away, joining a Prey Hunter patrol. Prey Hunters were the cats that hunted for their Tribe. Cave Guards were the cats that protected the Prey Hunters.

Fernwhisper followed Reedthicket to the cluster of cats.

"So," Fernwhisper began, "What exactly do you do on these patrols?"

"For one, don't call them patrols," a dark tabby grumbled, "we are not clan cats!"

"Relax, Talon! They know we aren't a clan." Pebble, a prey hunter, murmured.

"Second," Talon continued, "the prey hunters hunt, while the cave guards protect them."

"Oh." Fernwhisper mumbled. Duh, I already knew that!

"Let's go!" Talon mewed sharply.

With Talon in the lead, the cats filed down the tumble of rocks and practically swam past the cave. They trekked on and on until they reached a tunnel. Pebble had everyone gather in the tunnel made of stone before walking to the front and peeking out. He eyes narrowed slightly before brightening.

"I see a vole!" she whispered.

Dark gestured with his tail, telling Fernwhisper and Reedthicket to come and watch what Pebble was doing.

Fernwhisper squinted her eyes as she gazed at Pebble. The she-cat was covered in mud to hide among the rocks and she was stalking a plump, mouth-watering vole. She narrowed her eyes even more in confusion as Pebble stopped abruptly. The Prey Hunter tucked her hind paws under her, making it look like she was about to pounce. Pebble kept glancing at the sky as if she was expecting something to pounce on her from above.

Fernwhisper looked at the Tribe cats who were watching Pebble with admiration. Confused, she glanced at Reedthicket in confusion. He shrugged at her.

Suddenly, there was an ear-splitting screech. The Cave Guards around her bunched their muscles, ready to leap. Fernwhisper looked up just in time to see a flurry of brown feathers and a flash of white. The clearing erupted into caterwauls and screeches, from both the eagle and the cats. Fernwhsiper and Reedthicket pressed into the shadows, watching.

A high pitched shriek ripped through the caterwauls. Fernwhisper caught a glimpse of blood. I sure hope that's eagle blood!

The heap of cats lifted into the air. Talon fell to the ground with a thump. Followed by Pebble and Dark. Pebble had the vole in her claws. Where's Wing Shadow Over Water?

Another high pitched screech of agony split the sky. Fernwhisper looked up at the eagle, who was now clutching Wing in its talons.

"No!" Talon shrieked. He leaped after the eagle, but fell short. The eagle beat its wings harder and carried Wing off with it. Her cries getting fainter until all was silent.

The whole patrol dipped their head, mourning for their lost tribemate.

"Well, I got the vole." Pebble mewed, unenthusiastically.

"Yes, but we could've gotten that eagle too." Talon growled.

The patrol trekked back to the temporary camp in silence. Pebble dumped the vole in the sodden fresh kill pile.

"What's wrong?" Stoneteller queried, "Where's Wing?"

"Sh-she-" Pebble broke off, choked by emotion.

"An eagle took her." Dark whispered.

Stoneteller widened his eyes. "Mouse-brains!" He snapped, "How'd you let that happen?"

"We were hunting a vole." Pebble mewed, hanging her head.

"What?" Stoneteller screeched. "Wing died over a vole?"

Talon, Pebble, and Dark shrank back.

Fernwisper couldn't stand it anymore. She stepped forward, glaring at Stoneteller. She swallowed her nerves before speaking, "Is that how you treat your Tribemates? Your family? You shouldn't be angry at them. First of all, they got you food. Plus, Wing died a true, loyal death. She was hunting for her tribe at the same time as protecting every cat back here!" She fumed.

Stoneteller's eyes narrowed and the four cats behind her gaped in surprise at her fierce tone. Suppressing a sigh, Stoneteller let his tail droop, "I guess you're right." He turned and padded away.

Talon padded up to Fernwhisper, "Let's go find Cherrystar," he mewed, "There's something important I must tell her."

Fernwhisper gazed around the clearing until her eyes rested on Cherrystar. She waved her tail and bounded over to her, "Talon says he has something to report."

Cherrystar turned to Talon, "Yes, Talon of Swooping Eagle?"

"When we were hunting the vole, I saw dark clouds brewing on the horizon." He mewed. "They were the kind of clouds that create blizzards and I noticed the wind was blowing toward us and the way you need to go to continue your travels. I think it might be best if you hurry so you don't get trapped in the storm." He dipped his head before padding to Brook, his sister.

Cherrystar looked at the rock roof and pondered for a moment. Finally, she turned to Fernwhisper, "What do you think? Should we leave, or wait out the storm?"

Fernwhisper shrugged, "If I was in your paws, I would leave so we can find the clans as soon as possible."

Cherrystar nodded in understanding. "It's set then!"

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