Chapter 12

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I'm listening to State of Grace from Taylor Swift's Red album while posting this lol. I just felt like sharing that..

Anyyyywaysss.. Here's chapter 12! Enjoy! :)

"What?" The Tortoiseshell-and-White She-Cat screeched.

"Listen, Cherrystar, this was an obvious warning from Starclan!" Amberleaf insisted, trying to get her leader to understand.

Cherrystar turned on her medicine cat, her blue eyes blazing, "I will have none of this nonsense!"

"But, Cherrystar-" Fernwhisper chimed in.

"'But, Cherrystar' nothing!" Cherrystar growled. "Sol is now one of our very good, trusted friends and I do not believe he has done or will do harm!" She whirled away from them, muttering, "My own deputy and medicine cat, turning against me! How dare they! The word of your leader is law and you should respect that just like everyone else!" She paced away towards the stuck out rock where Sol was sitting, his golden eyes boring into Fernwhisper.

"Well, that went smoothly." Amberleaf retorted, her voice thick with sarcasm, twitching her tail in annoyance.

"Yeah it did." Fernwhisper replied in the same tone.

"What should we do? Cherrystar won't listen to us." Amberleaf paced around her sister.

"I guess we have to do what she says..."

"It's not like we're leaders." Amberleaf mewed flatly. "Even though leaders are supposed to listen to their medicine cats...and deputy."

Sighing, Fernwhisper slowly ambled away from Amberleaf while Amberleaf headed towards Parsleyseed, who was just returning from a hunting patrol and was with Seedkit and Leafkit.

She watched as Seedkit and Leafkit pounced on each other, rolling into a ball of fur. I wonder if I'll ever have kits. She wondered wistfully. Fernwhisper heard a voice behind her breaking her thoughts.

"Hey, Fernwhisper, want to share this vole with me? I just caught it." Reedthicket's voice was muffled by the vole in his jaws.

"Sure." She followed Reedthicket to a clearing of flattened grass. She flopped herself onto the ground. "Reedthicket, do you think we will ever find the Clans?" She questioned.

"I think so. I mean we can't give up. We're already at least halfway there." He answered.

"How do you know we're halfway there?"

"I don't know, but we already have gone this far, and we're still alive!" Reedthicket declared. Fernwhisper stifled a small purr.

"I'm glad you're on this journey with me Reedthicket, I don't know if I could survive it alone." She whispered into his ear before licking it with her pink tongue. They shared the last of the vole, gulping it down.

The sky started to turn in rays of oranges, reds, and yellows, before the first Warriors started to shine in the indigo sky. She glanced at Reedthicket who was already in a circular ball of fur snoring like his usual self. Fernwhisper curled up next to him and gazed out into the darkening sky. She took a quick glimpse around camp, everyone was starting to settle in for the night.

Then she heard a faint squeak, "Ouch! Leafkit, get on your side of the nest! And stop kicking me." Seedkit grumbled before the camp was silent once more.

Fernwhisper rested her muzzle on her paws. "One day we will find the Clans." She whispered before falling into a deep sleep.

* * *

Fernwhisper felt something wet and slimy on her ear, she twitched it but it was still wet. Oh, come on! What now? A waterfall? She opened her eyelids and saw Reedthicket standing in front of her face, drooling. "Is that you Reedthicket? Stop licking me!" Then she glanced up, "Great Starclan!" Fernwhisper quickly got up and sprang backwards. Then she heard it bark! Her heart was pounding in her chest, blood roaring in her ears. The dog was in front of her, its eyes gleaming. Oh you're not going to eat me! Fear made adrenaline shoot through her. She sprinted and leaped on top of the dog's back, clinging to its pelt. The dog's snapping jaws tried to reach her but she was too far on his back. Blood started to ooze from where her claws were digged into the dog's pelt.

Then suddenly on the side of her vision she saw something coming closer through the waving grass. Oh great Starclan! Not more dogs! Instead it was Reedthicket and Meadowlark who jumped out of the waving grass and took a visit to the dog's legs, biting and hissing at the same time. The dog flung her off and sprinted away, blood dripping from its pelt. She fell to the ground with a thud her head banged against the ground. Her mind and thoughts swimming.

Fernwhisper heard Reedthicket's voice muffle through her thoughts, "Fernwhisper! Are you ok? Meadowlark go get Amberleaf!" She felt herself dragging into sleep.

"Here, Fernwhisper, drink this."

Fernwhisper opened her mouth to speak. "A-Amberleaf is t-that you?" She rasped.

"Yes, yes, you're ok. You're with me." Amberleaf replied softly.

She opened her eyes. "Where am I? Where's Reedthicket?" Fernwhisper mumbled and she felt her mind starting to think again.

"He's here." Amberleaf mewed.

"Fernwhisper you're ok!" He waved his tail happily.

"Yes..I am, I think." Fernwhisper sat up and she almost collapsed for her head whirled. "What's wrong with my head, Amberleaf? It feel like there're bees in my brain." She wanted to screech the pain in her head was almost unbearable.

"Just rest and I'll tell you everything later."

Fernwhisper sighed and fell back to a dreamless sleep.

"Good morning Fernhwisper." Amberleaf called. Fernwhisper opened her eyelids and lifted her muzzle. She shook her head which felt a lot better. "How many sunrises have I been asleep?" She asked.

"You have been out for 2 sunrises." Amberleaf replied.

"Two sunrises!" She screeched. "B-but h-how did the Clan do without me! I'm their deputy! Where's Reedthicket?"

He's right here, "He's been here the entire time, staying by your side." Amberleaf mewed calmly.

"Fernwhisper you're awake again! I'm so glad you're okay!" He came up to her and licked her ear.

"Yea, glad I'm here too. I'm not quite ready for a spot in Starclan." She purred. "So where is everyone else?"

"They have left...well besides you, Reedthicket, Parsleyseed, Seedkit, Leafkit, Prinkleleap and Windwhisp."

"What?" Fernwhisper yowled. "Wait you mean everyone? Meadowlark? Cherrystar? Fallowfern? Duskpeak? Finsplash? Tigerlily? Wasppaw? Everyone?" She quivered.

"Yes, well besides who I said." Amberleaf responded.

"Why!" She cried. "If only I didn't hit my head...I am their deputy I should have gone with them, and what in Starclan's name did Cherrystar think about leaving her deputy and medicine cat? Along with some of SkyClan's best warriors?" She questioned.

Amberleaf breathed one word, "Sol." 

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