Chapter 10

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Prinkleleap up top.

"Amberleaf! Help!"

Amberleaf whirled around from where she was putting away herbs she found, dropping some of the green leaves on the forest floor. "What's wrong Duskpeak?" She queried.

"It's Prinkleleap. He's hurt...from me." he panted with regret, shock sparkling in his deep blue eyes.

"From you?" She questioned.

"Yes, from me. But hurry he's really hurt! I kind of...clawed his throat." he shuffled his paw into the dirt.

Amberleaf could feel her eyes growing wide, "I don't care about that now. We will worry about what you did later, but right we have to go help Prinkleleap!" She snapped.

Cherrystar treaded over to where they were standing, "What's wrong Amberleaf? Is someone hurt?"

"Yes! Prinkleleap is, now help me! Duskpeak grab some cobweb and marigold! Cherrystar please go get some other warriors to help bring Prinkleleap back to camp." Amberleaf threw orders out before spinning around on her hind paws. She raced away through the forest, her paws skimming the leaf covered floor with some wet moss dangling from her half open mouth. Duskpeak was hard on her paws, clutching the cobweb and marigold in his jaws.

Once they reached the clearing where Duskpeak and Prinkleleap had been fighting, she gasped. Prinkleleap's limp body seemed to be lifeless and Fernwhisper was hovering over him meowing quietly.

Fernwhisper cast her eyes up at Amberleaf, "He's still breathing, but it's very shallow."

Amberleaf went up to Prinkleleap and dabbed wet moss on the slash in his throat. Duskpeak dropped the cobweb and marigold next to her and she quickly, but carefully, applied the cobweb on his wound and chewed up some marigold. The juice trickled over his wound to keep away any infection. "He is in Starclan's paws now." Amberleaf whispered.

She heard thrumming of paws inching closer through the forest. Then she saw Cherrystar, Sol, Windwhisp, Meadowlark, Reedthicket, and Parsleyseed emerge from the undergrowth.

As soon as Windwhisp came into the clearing she screeched, "Prinkleleap! No, no, Prinkleleap! Don't leave me please." She gasped in horror when she bent down and looked at Prinkleleap's limp body "Please..." She pleaded.

"He's still breathing, but I don't know if he will make it." Amberleaf sighed and turned her gaze from Prinkleleap to Windwhisp "But he is a fighter, he has been ever since he was a kit."

Amberleaf scanned her surroundings, Cherrystar's eyes were grim with grief and Reedthicket went and sat beside Fernwhisper, Meadowlark came and gazed at Prinkleleap, horror and worry sparked in her blue eyes for a heartbeat.

"You did all you could." Parsleyseed whispered in Amberleaf's ear.

"I know, but I just wish I could help him more." She replied.

Amberleaf checked his breathing and found it a bit stronger. Then, suddenly, he went into a fit of raspy coughing. It took a moment before he calmed down, "T-thank you A-amberleaf." He stuttered.

Everyone around him gasped.

"Great Starclan he's alive!" Windwhisp yowled happily.

Cheers broke out around the cluster of cats.

"Thank StarClan!" Amberleaf cried.

"Windwhisp, Meadowlark, and Reedthicket. Help Prinkleleap back to camp." Cherrystar ordered.

"Be careful!" Amberleaf snapped, "We don't need him to hurt his wound even more."

"Don't worry. I'm fine Amberleaf." Prinkleleap protested.

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