Chapter 7

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I woke up with a massive headache hammering my skull. I turned around to see light streaming on my face through the slit open in the window pane.

It took me moments to realise the events that occurred previous night. I woke up startled to see the surroundings. I took a relieved breathe to realise I was safe in my own apartment.

All memories came rushing down making me gasp. I was drugged or so I remember but than how was that possible if I am safe in my own apartment.

I jumped down from my bed to see my trousers were still intact. There was absolutely no soreness down there.

So the other possibility was also scraped down. But what had actually happened yesterday night.

My phone started blaring music indicating an incoming call. I picked up my phone and swiped right to get greeted by my brother.

Well actually no greeting, just an angry sentence, "Have you left, Sharia ?" I rolled my eyes on his typical angry behavior.

"Hello to you too brother. But left for where?" I checked my bedside clock to see the digits 5.30 am.

It was prayer time right now. "I knew it Sharia, you forgot like usual. Your flight is scheduled in less than 3 hours. Get your ass down the bed and start your day."

Shit!! It totally slipped out of my mind. I was going back today.
When he didn't hear me reply, he continued, " Don't worry about packing. I have that under control. Take minimal stuff with you and leave now."

Yeah as always he will make his people do that stuff. I was at least thankful for that. It meant less baggage and less worry.

"Oh sure. And by the way brother, I have already hauled my ass down the bed. Don't you worry. I will be there soon. Make Lisa come to pick me up. I am thrilled to meet her soon."

Lisa was my sister in law. She was married to my eldest brother. And I am sure she must have been the reason my brother has not himself come down to haul my ass to our house and out of this place.

I am thankful to have her as my sister in law. She was practically my own sister. My brother met her during their college days.

My father was more than happy to welcome her into our Muslim household. Even though Lisa's family was still not happy by their union. She was completely accepted by us in our house.

My brother gave her own choice to follow her lifestyle even in our house. He was madly in love with her.

Thinking about them made me happy. I thought true love didn't existed in this world but they proved me wrong. With so many differences in their religion and lifestyle, they still were a perfect match.

I wanted the same for me some day but considering my brother had ruined that for me by accepting that shitty sticky slimy Khalid. Urgghh.

It was enough to snap me out of dreaming state. I saw my brother already disconnected my call when I zoned off.

I hurriedly got up to start with my routine. I prayed salah than went ahead with bath. Once I was completely ready I took a duffel bag and stuffed few of my undergarments and few of my clothes then filling it with my toiletries.

My brother would bring my books and other remaining clothes but till than I was completely packed. I saw the clock showing 6.35am.

I dropped a message to Annabelle about my sudden departure so that once she comes back from her visit and finally have some range on her phone she won't die of heart attack seeing the empty state of our apartment.

I walked down the stairs to reach the lobby to see my car was out of the parking lot. I looked around to see the valet but he was nowhere and this was itself strange. Nobody ever did so much good to her to help her not cuss around in parking lot while removing her car.

Finally seeing the time running out, I led the matter slide and started walking towards my car.

I opened my car door and sat inside while locking it through my keys.

"Finally, you came inside." I gasped, startled to look around to see the all known icy blue eye staring at my face.

"What the hell are you doing in my car? How did you unlock it?" I tried opening the car with key lock to have it snached by him.

"Slow down there, Ugly. You are not going anywhere." He spat looking angry like I just ate his favorite chocolate.

"Did you just again call me ugly??!!!" I shouted on his face.

He smirked, " Do you prefer witch instead of Ugly. You know I don't mind considering both are suitable on your face. "

Unbelievable,was this guy. "Whatever Mr Talib, Get out of my car now before I call the police." I said threateningly.

It made his eyes hard and angry. He shot his hand and gripped it around my neck like a vice.

I thrashed against his hand to let oxygen flow in my body. Oh Allah! I was going to die.

He pulled me forward to meet his dead eyes. "Never ever threaten me. Or you won't imagine the things I will do with you." With that he left me.

I started coughing badly to take in the air. What's with him trying to kill me everytime he is angry.

"Try calling whoever you want, Ms Ugly. You are never running off me. And no one in right mind is going to touch me in my own city." He gave a cynical laugh.

"I thought I was at least average looking if not beautiful. Nobody ever called me ugly before." I sniffed wiping my eyes with my sleeves.

He kept his face Stern and started driving out of the parking lot.
I huffed, not knowing what exactly to do," Tell me at least where are we going. I have plan to catch and after all you have managed to do what you had promised".

He didn't answer. No actually he disregarded my question while driving straight towards the road.

I saw my left hand still holding my phone. I unlocked it to call my brother. If not police than atleast he will and my entire family will come down to save me.

"Don't do what you think you are. You are putting them into danger and also yourself." I turned around to see him still facing the road.

"What Danger?" I didn't wanted anything to happen to my family. It was my fault I was here.

"If you have asked that question than I am sure you are smart enough to know what power I hold here."
He smirked and that smirk was what I badly wanted to wipe off his face.

"I want to go and you will stop the car right now!!"

"Think again before ordering me." He spoke through low voice.

"I am sorry, Mr Talib to you. I still am unaware of any reasons you are doing this to me. If I don't go back now than my family will be very scared. Whatever the reason is that you have made me captive. Please understand I am already in a lot of problem."

"I don't care." He said still disregarding my presence in my own car.

"While I do. Considering I have already ruined my chances in this city. Courtesy to some goon." I glanced sideways to see his face after calling him goon on his face.

If it mattered than he didn't show any sign of it.

" Stay relaxed Ms Ugly. You have yet to see what destruction means. And I am planning on completing my promise and my part of bargain soon."


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