Chapter - 9

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The man collapsed on the side of the wall crashing down the wall frames with him.
I was furious beyond imagination. How can a fragile girl like her ran away from such heavily secured mansion.
And more so how did she think I have completed her punishment yet? She will pay everyday till her last breath. And I will make sure of it.

I turned around to see the guard wiping his mouth off blood. " I want her native address within 12 hours and get the jet ready we leave soon."

He nodded and scurried away from my office. Opening the door I came outside to meet my sweet little skittle glaring at me with her cute bunny ears as if I will be threatened by her stance.

"What do I hear Bhai? You are going to trace the doctor." Hearing her mention the bitch boiled my blood.

I walked ahead of her glaring form before stopping and turning around to face her, " I love you a lot. But make sure that neither you or mamman or any of your siblings interfere between me and that doctor ever again. Because if you do than I won't hesitate delivering the justice I need to for ABBA." My words caused her eyes to swell up and she being naive defended the doctor.

"ABBA would never want this for us Bhai and you know that." She sniffed and ran away from me leaving me unaffected because I will do what I want to anyhow even if my own sister despised it.And no one will stop me from it.


It was still early afternoon when I reached home seeing the old two storey house coloured pale white with brown edges filling my senses with a calmness only home can bring.

I had no option to go back to my apartment as they will raid it first to find me. So I used the left over money in my jeans pocket to travel back directly to my hometown. I had ran from the mansion early morning just before the sunrise and they would be able find me gone soon.

I opened the door to see my father sitting on the sofa sleeping on the couch handle uncomfortably. I went near him to touch him arm awakening him.
He rubbed his eyes to see if I was really there before getting up excitedly hugging me. " Ya Allah, my baby you are back. I was worried from yesterday. Your brother was going to file lost complaint for you."

I held him tight explaining no closure as I wasn't aware if he needed to know the truth. I was safely tucked under my fathers shoulder . The safest place in the entire world.

He wasn't leaving me from his embrace and I wasn't complaining. I could hear shuffling from the wooden stairs above.

"Sharia, where the hell were you from yesterday??" I closed my eyes knowing it was my brother speaking and he was probably super pissed off and I needed some explanation or he might just break the entire house.

I turned around to see my sister in law behind my brother with a sad expression on her face knowing she won't be able to stop my brother now. I looked up to his eyes swallowing audibly.

" Somebody broke my apartment and I was taken to police custody for protection for 24 hours. I couldn't inform you. I am sorry for the carelessness." I said in a scratchy voice.

I looked up to see him eying me up and down. I looked at my father asking for help. He nodded and touched my brothers arm to calm him down.

Seeing my brother simmering down,my sister in law came running towards me hugging me in a bone crushing hug. " I am all but glad sharia you are back home and I thank the almighty that he saved you." She released me making eye contact. She had a bit of glassy eyes. I smiled comforting her. " I am fine Lisa. I am here with you all."

She smiled and we moved to meet my other brothers and they patted my hairs and hugged me and than asked me how I was? We all sat around the comfy sofa when my brother entered the room. " I just called your friend Abbu. They are coming for khalid and sharia's marriage proposal by evening." I was stunned by his words as I slowly moved my eyes to meet his and than my fathers.

I knew my father wanted the same thing which was enough for me to marry any one like sticky khalid. I loved my father and he was everything to me.

By late evening khalid and everyone came in our house. All my three brothers welcomed them and Lisa came in my room to inform me they had arrived. She had a sad face because she thought I hated her husbands decision. But I had to tell her that my father loved me so much that he would never chose someone unworthy of me. It only calmed her down when I said I like khalid which I didn't.

Everyone left after dinner and I checked my emails to see it bombarded with 100 emails from my roommate and best friend penny. Oh shoot! I forgot my phone in the mansion. She must have called so many times.

I went downstairs taking abbu's phone in hand while dialing her number. Within a ring she picked up, " hey who is this ? . I waited before answering knowing her dramatics.

"Umm, it's sharia. Penny." She screeched loudly in the phone making me pull away my phone from my ears. "Calm down penny. Let me explain please.!"

"You want me to let you explain sharia. When I came back I saw everything thrashed out badly and even the door was barely hanging and to top it off I received your mail which I am sorry I opened without your permission. But would you believe what I saw inside the mail papers???" She paused for a huge dramatic effect before continuing. "Well I saw that someone got terminated from hospital. What is happening and how come I was not aware of anything." I could hear her sign irritatingly after finishing off her rant.

I smiled internally knowing how much she cared for me before speaking softly
" Penny I would love to tell you everything but I really want to do it in peace. How about I call you in morning and talk on face chat." She waited before replying.

"Ok but you promise to tell me everything sharia."
I nodded before realising as usual she won't be able to see me.
"Sure thing Penny. Swear on all the hot guys in the world." She cackled with laughter before saying off goodnight and ending the call.

I turned around to walk up the stairs to my room when I hear a loud hammering sound from the door. I panicked and ran towards the door to see it was as if someone was pushing towards the door with all might probably wanting to break it.

I turned around to see everyone coming down the stairs. My father told my brothers to take me and Lisa inside a room and lock it.

The door was any minute from falling off the hinges and Lisa and me both started crying loudly. My elder brother took my hand and Lisa before starting to drag us towards the stair.

Before I could step on the first step the door came off its hinges with a loud bang and a man came inside looking calmly inside the house searching as if he didn't unhinged a damn door.

His eyes met mine and he smiled freezing me on my spot with fear.

Mr Talib. He came back to his promise of my destruction.

Lisa - sister in law
Penny - Best friend/Room mate

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