Chapter 15

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Counting the stars in the sky by hanging upside down from the bed while touching the head on the carpet made me giddy with excitement. Everything looked same yet so different when the world turned upside down.

Someone knocked on my bedroom door. Without changing my position fearing imbalance I called the person in while still continuing gazing at the night filled with darkness and twinkling stars.

A pair of feet came in my vision blocking my view of beautiful stars and interfering my activity of counting them. I scrunched my nose trying to push the feet away but instead someone started tickling my stomach. I tried controlling my balance with gurgling laughter but rolled over my head butting my back on the floor.

I stood up grunting looking face to face with the culprit who was trying to hold up his laughter, "Abbu, this was wrong. You made your only daughter butt her back on the floor." He was trying to act sheepish but instead it looked like he was having hard time controlling his laughter.

"Ok, Sorry, sorry. I wanted to talk with you." He sat down while patting the place next to him on the bed for me to sit.

I sat near him turning my eyes on the sky once again. " you love the sky right sharia." He questioned knowingly.
I hummed in response.
"But would you mind telling me why were you upside down when I came in to check on you."

I smiled inwardly knowing I could trouble him for freaking me out. It was my turn to trouble him now.
"It's because of you." I turned around to see his reaction to which he scoffed.

"Don't lie sharia. I never thought you will do something that bizarre which can break my your neck in two."

His expression was enough to make me laugh holding my hands on my stomach. " Abbu how gross that was! Why would someone break their neck upside down? I mean people do it all the time."

"Yes people do it but not my sharia." He started massaging my hairs making me forget everything else in the while time.

"Now tell me why do you do it?" He asked again nudging me on my shoulders waking me from my oncoming sleep.

"Abbu please let me sleep. Will tell you next time. Promise." I kept his hand again in my hairs motioning him to continue his soft massage while keeping my cheeks on his lap to surrender in peace.

The last words I heard him saying before sleep took its course were something I would never forget. He murmured, " I know why you do it because even though you don't know this secret but your mother used to do the same before you were born."


A loud crashing sound stirred me out of my deep slumber.I woke up startled to find the source of sound. What awaited me in front of my eyes shook me to the core. I was not in my fathers comfort anymore but in devils den.

I could feel myself getting cold again with the unfolding scene infront of me. I could practically feel the hairs raising on my arms. Suddenly I couldn't take anymore.

A girl was pressed up front on a shirtless Talib while she was barely covered herself. She was eating his face off like there was nothing else in the world that would interest her more.

He was holding her bare waist, plunging his fingers in her soft flesh. The sound she was making when he pulled her flat across his chest felt like a witch casting a spell of bursting my eardrums.

There was a broken flower vase near the bed where he pushed her on the bed climbing upon her while tearing her remaining clothing. My blood went cold knowing what was about to happen on my wedding night. In front of my own eyes my own husband will consummate our marriage with some other girl.

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