Chapter 24 - Kidnapped

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Talibs POV

She left, I destroyed one more life which I could save. I should have stopped her. I know I could but it will be as a mafia not as Talib. She will be forced to stop and not leave but she will never be happy with me and that's not what I would ever want. After seeing her soul, her very beautiful soul I would never want anything to hurt her anymore. Even if it meant getting my self hurt.
I stood in front of the mirror trying to recognize the person standing in front of me. He wasn't the cruel mafia everyone feared. He was Talib, Sharia's Talib. The one she never deserved. She was an angel and she deserved a pious man who would love her and care for her as she deserves too.

I knew she would be back to take her things but I didn't have a clue what she will do next once she is back from her father. She would not stay with me but she has nowhere to go. I did pluck her from her garden. She was alone. But she was very independent to live with me. But the thought to be with her another minute even if that meant her hatred for me I was ready for it. I wanted to see her every second for the remaining rest of my life. I never knew I could love someone. And that also to this limit.

I said it, I said it for the first time in my life. I loved someone. I loved my Sharia. It was already past midnight but I had explained and demanded Adlab, that I should be the first informed person as soon as they reach her house. I knew Adlab will inform me. Nobody will mess around at this fragile time, none of my men. After all Zen was blooming around. And we knew nothing of his whereabouts. My men were extra vigilant around my territory. That's the reason I didn't want to let Sharia go alone, but taking me with her was never an option. She hated seeing me at all.

It was past 4 in the morning and I had received no call from Adlab, the worry was itching me very hard. I tried to call but it kept reverting to his voice mail. I took my coat, tucking my gun while picking up the car keys. I called Shailene informing her I am leaving to meet Sharia's father. She asked me to bring her back safe. Sharia had grown her sweetness around everyone in my family. They loved her and adored her a lot. She had that effect now that I realized how much I started loving her and I never knew when it all started.

I sat in my car putting it in reverse gear, only one thing in my mind I was going to race like I never did till I can see her face again. Her face was all I could see. Her big beautiful eyes, her cheeks always blushing because of her shyness. How she danced to everything when she thought no one was seeing her. Her trembling gaze when she knew I was staring at her. All I wanted was to make her mine. Touch her soft smooth skin. My thoughts were barred with my phone ringing, I cursed under my breath and tried to ignore the call. It went off and it started ringing making it impossible to avoid. I didn't want to miss my attention from reaching Sharia any longer. But the ringing made me pick up the call hesitantly.

"What the fuck do you want." I barked as soon as I answered the call. " Sorry Sir, it is just very important news. We have captured Rafael. He has some disturbing news he wants to give but he isn't ready to spit it out until he sees you". Rafael oh! I knew this name. He was the guy who worked for me. A few years back we saw a massive shipment was stolen the night it was brought down from the sea in our storage unit. But the next day my father was informed the shipment was stolen before it could reach our storage units. My father lost millions of dollars in the entire process. We knew it was taken By Zen Ds' father. Who was running the business by that time? We found out about the mole in our mafia family. It was Rafael.

Now the entire picture unfolded in front of my eyes. I turned my car around. I knew in the pit of my stomach something was really really wrong. I was mafia and as long as I knew the world and its colors. Catching Rafael in our territory meant only one thing. Something very precious to me was endangered. It was not my family because they were in an iron-clad fortress. Nobody would come close to them so that led me to only one option. I did not want to even think of the possibility. the thought itself made me press harder on the accelerator. I reached my office. Instead of normally entering the building, instead, I walked sideways in the alley. Normally this place is swamped with people loitering around in the business hub of the city but the timing was way early to see a single man around my office building. Removing the creeper plant from the wall I stamped the pin code for my underground floor. The floor where everything which was actually important occurred. My men came ahead ushering me inside the hallways.

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