Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Michael


So basically

Luke went all

out on his dad

And I

had to calm him down


He sniffs, rivers of tears flooding out of his eyes. I wrap my arms around him and whisper calming things like,

'don't worry' and 'it was in the past'

I hate seeing him like this, in pain.

He buries his face deeper into me chest as I rub his back gently, listening to the faint voices of the tv we left on last night.

I put my two fingers under his chin and tilt his head to look at me. At this he looks behind me but I push my face forward, kissing him and moving his face. I pull back for just a second

Don't lie Mikey.

And say, "I love you Luke, stay with me" before putting my lips back on his.

I didn't lie bish.

He flings his arms round my neck and grabs on my hair, whilst my hands go round his waist. It's like this is our first kiss, like the taste of each others lips is a foreign delicacy.

Not long after he opens up and the kiss gets more and more passionat-

Ding donngg

Fucking doorbell, just you wait till I find out who's at the door.

We quickly pull away, shooting smiles at each other on the way down the stairs. The doorbell rings again so I shout,



When I open the door the first thing I see is Calum shivering in the rain.

"Hey babies" He smirks.

Luke shrieks, "CALLLLLL!" And they give each other the biggest bro hug ever.

"Aw my baby" Calum says rocking side to side with Luke in his arms.

"Ehemm" I cough,"Hey Cal!" I say through my smile.

He gives me a pretty big hug too and says, "Can I come in fuckpies? Orrr am I interrupting something?"

"Something?" I ask, jabbing him in the ribs.

"You know, something" he wiggles his eyebrows and me.

Me and Luke chuckle and he says, "no, certainly not" and with that he fires a cheeky glance at me and walks to the living room, me and Calum following closely behind.

"How the fuck do you retards keep this shit tidy?" Calum kind of idk compliments.

It is kind of tidy, the books are all neatly put in the shelf and there is nothing out of place.


I sit in the armchair, slowly sinking into the chair, whilst Luke and Cal sit on the sofa, Luke's legs on Calum's lap.


"Come for a particular reason?" The question slips out of my mouth before I could stop it.


"Actually, yeah, uhm you know how we all sing and shit?" He says, "And we all play some form of guitar? Isn't it kinda boring though? Don't answer that because I found us a drummer who sings really well and shit and I was won--"

"HI GUYYSSS!" A curly haired muscular, yet I'd go as far as saying adorable, guy bursts into the room.

"Too early?" The boy asks.

"ASSHHHHHHHHHHHHH" Calum exclaims leaving me and Luke staring like goldfish.



Sneak pEAK WOW.




Oh yeah, and a beautiful scrapbook of our relationship."

Okay guys sooooo, I have stupid fucking exams and I'm really sorry

God bless your soul

~DerpDirection xox

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