finding the time for prayer

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Life get's busy

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Life get's busy. We wake up, fall into routine, and before you know it, it's nine o'clock and all you feel like doing is jumping into bed and watching Netflix. As we age, we are faced with the reality of time - and just how little we have of it.

 As we age, we are faced with the reality of time - and just how little we have of it

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"I'm so busy. I don't have time to pray."

"I can't help it, my schedule is so tight, I just can't afford to fit prayer into it."

"I'm sure one Psalm and a worship song is enough for God today."

I am guilty of using these excuses, and I'm sure you aren't unfamiliar with them either. Time is an essential part of life - it's what drives our world. Everyone wishes they had more of it, yet none of us can control it.

That's because God does, and He's given us no less and no more than what we need. Time is not the problem, we have enough time. The problem is how we use time and whether or not we are using it wisely.

It's about priority. Busyness isn't a valid excuse for avoiding prayer. Why? You already know. Prayer is important. Learning to prioritise your time is the first major step to an improvement in your prayer life.

These following chapters are going to be more practical than anything else. Let's look at 2 practical ways you can prioritise your time for prayer. They both fit under one golden rule:

Work Around Prayer, Don't Come Around to Prayer When it Works

It's so easy to minimise the priority of prayer in our lives, especially amongst demands such as school, work, family etc. We tend to put a mental label on the subject of prayer - When I have time. We only ever have time for prayer when there is extra time on our hands. Which, even then, is usually occupied by something we'd rather be doing. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Instead, we should be working around prayer, not coming around to it when it works or is simply convient for us. We are to put everything on hold. That really important English assignment, that text to a friend, that Youtube video you were meaning to watch - put it all on hold. Free your time for prayer, don't just pray in your free time.

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