/\Chapter 5-- Escape/\

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It didn’t take long to come into contact with more cells. I looked into each and the people caged seemed to be cowering into the darkest corner. What the hell did they do to these people to make them this terrified?! I gulped and continued on my way, hoping to find a prisoner that would be willing to give me information.

When I deemed myself halfway down the hall, I heard some scrambling coming from one of the cells. Turning quickly, I took in a girl around my age looking at me. She would be about a year younger at least. Her big amber eyes bore into mine, seeming to be in wonder of why I was here. I took a step towards her, seeing if she would get startled. She didn’t seem to be startled, but recognition flashed within her eyes as she studied me. Growing tired of this staring, I walked up to her cell.

“Who are you?” I asked, trying to sound patient and polite; although I was never really polite most of the time. My voice seemed to pull her from her thoughts and she met my gaze once more.

“I am Zari, from planet Demyth (DAY- ME- F). Who are you?” She asked in return. I studied her for a moment, deciding whether to tell her or not. Deciding that it didn’t really matter because I needed answers, I introduced myself.

“I am Areiya, from planet Zanathis. Why are you here? How long have you been here?” I asked, needing to rush, as I noticed that this was wasting time just introducing ourselves. Seeming to catch my drift, she scrutinized me once more before answering.

“I was captured from my planet along with my brother. I’m not quite sure… it could have been months, maybe a year. They haven’t done any experiments on me yet, but I believe that they have already taken my brother into the observation room.” Her accent was thick, an accent I had never heard before. I had only learned of Demyth once, but I knew little.

“Are you a warrior?” I asked, having a feeling that she was. She didn’t seem like much of a warrior, but there had to be a reason that Sir Erick and them hadn’t taken her into observation room yet. Though, it seemed a bit weird because she hadn’t been brought into the same room as Phethus andI.She seemed to hesitate for a moment, uncertain of whether to answer or not.

“I… I’m not really sure actually. I’ve heard of warriors before though. But I could never be certain because both of my parents had been murdered when I was young.” I was taken aback by this, wondering whether she was one or not. I looked around for a moment, wishing that Phethus had come along now so that we could discuss this.

“I think we could probably help you escape, but I’m not all too sure because we have just escaped and I’m not sure how to even get out of this place; or even where the key to this cell is.” I said, unsure of how we would go about this.

Suddenly, I heard the pounding of feet coming towards me. I cursed quietly and then turned to look for a place to hide. There didn’t seem to be a place, which made me curse once again. I had wasted time on this girl and hadn’t even tried to check if someone had been coming towards us. As the feet drew closer, I turned to the girl who seemed to be looking in the direction of where the feet were coming from. I decided to just press myself closer to the dark wall and wait for what was to come.

A couple more minutes passed before the pounding came to an abrupt stop and I could hear the breathing of someone close to me. I bit my lip, unsure of whether this was Phethus or someone else. Trying to calm my nerves, I lifted my eyes in the direction of where the breathing was coming from. As my eyes took in the figure standing not a foot from me, I realized that it couldn’t be Phethus.

Realizing this, my body tensed, readying itself for either flight or a fight. The figure seemed to be a boy though; by the way his body seemed to be made. He suddenly looked up then, and I found myself looking into unique, silvery eyes; like melted metal. I was completely frozen, wondering what he wanted from me. He froze as well as he took me in. Zari seemed to find this amusing though, because she let out a soft chuckle. The chuckle seemed to bring me from my trance and I turned to scowl at her.

“Kai, you probably shouldn’t do that to her, she might actually attack.” Zari said the guy that was about my age, now that I got a good look at him. He grinned at her in response, chuckling as well before replying.

“Yes, but how was I supposed to know that a beautiful girl would be standing in front of your cell, conversing with you?” He said in a joking manner. I raised an eyebrow at him in response and then turned back to Zari.

“Who the hell is this?” I hadn’t meant it to come out harsh, but I had my walls back up. She seemed to be surprised by the venom that dripped from the words.

“Oh, sorry. This is my friend Kai. He’s from planet Kazai.” She said, trying to lighten the mood as well. I started at her for a moment before returning my attention to this guy known as ‘Kai’. I scowled at him when he grinned in greeting.

“Why isn’t he locked up like you?” I asked Zari, keeping my eyes trained on Kai though. She hesitated a moment before she spoke.

“I’m not exactly sure. Why are you out of your cell anyway?” She said, speaking to Kai now. He rolled his eyes before deciding to speak.

“Well, I decided that I was bored, so I wanted to try and break out of this place. I came to be your knight in shining armor Zari!” He said, turning from me to grin once more at her. I took a step away from them then.

“Well, it seems that you already have someone to help you escape, but I must get going before ‘Sir’ Erick finds me.” I said this, about to walk away until Zari spoke.

“Wait… you met the boss of this place? And where are you going? We could escape together.” I scrutinized her for a moment, wondering whether I should tell her about Phethus.

“Yes I met him. I can’t believe that he is the same age as me! I have to go though, because I was supposed to be meeting up with my friend Phethus. He must be waiting for me.” I said this, staring down the hallway to see if I could see the end of it. Nope, it was longer down than I had realized. I cursed once more because I had no idea whether Phethus was already at the meeting spot waiting for me. He probably thought I got caught or something.

Before I could take another step though, I heard soft pounding coming from down the hall once more. I was getting exhausted of staying tense, so I just relaxed and waited for what was to come. My body didn’t seem to tense though, so it must be Phethus. Just as I thought that, his face came into view. When he saw me, he smiled in relief.

He hadn’t seemed to notice the other two yet though as he made his way over to me. When he stopped, he was about to say something before he finally took notice of the company we had.

“Who are they?” He asked, his eyes narrowing as he took them in. Kai seemed to be lost in thought when he took notice of Phethus standing next to me. When I looked over to see Zari’s reaction, her eyes had widened as she took in Phethus. I rolled my eyes at her reaction and turned to look back at Phethus. He seemed to be entranced by Zari as much as she was by him. Oh gosh, these two are ridiculous. I held in a chuckle and then reminded everyone that we could be caught in any moment. It had already been quite a while since I made a run from Sir Erick and he was bound to find out where I was headed by now. Kai snapped out of it then and opened Zari’s cell, setting her free from the cage. Just as we were about to run off down the hall, we heard multiple pounding this time and I knew that it had to be them. I cursed and motioned from all of us to run.

We did just that, running as fast as we could and not sparing a backwards glance to whoever had just come up towards the cell we had just been standing a moment before. I made a stupid choice though. I looked back and that was when I tripped. Shit! 

/\Areiya & The -Invasion- Of Zanathis/\Where stories live. Discover now