/\Chapter 6-- A Destructive Dance/\

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I cursed another time when I tried to stand to my feet and my foot seemed to have a sprain. I looked to see how far the others were ahead. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw them farther away than before. That was the moment that Phethus looked back though, and he saw me. A look of horror came across his face, and I knew exactly why. Not a second later, I was tackled to the ground. Phethus seemed to look like he was about to come back, but I motioned for him to run and escape.

I looked up to see that I had been tackled by none other than Zeth. He grinned when he caught my gaze, but then his eyes lifted to scan the area. I looked to follow his gaze and was once again relieved when Phethus and the rest were out of sight; although I knew that now I was probably going to be tortured while they ran to safety. I pushed the dark thought away and then struggled against the uncomfortable pressure of Zeth’s body weight holding me down. When I finally was able to push him off, I stood up, almost stumbling as I did so. Sir Erick was staring at him in amusement when I met his gaze and I returned his stare with a glare of my own. This insinuated a small smirk on the edge of his lips. I rolled my eyes at his so called ‘amusement’ and then turned to see if Gyana was here as well, only to see that she was nowhere in sight.

“If you’re wondering where she went, she went after your friends. Tsk, tsk, tsk… you were trying to escape weren’t you?”  He had a mocking lilt to his tone that made me want to punch him right in the face to wipe away all things amusing in this situation. I ignored him then, turning my attention back towards Zeth, who seemed to be staring at us in his own amusement.

“What’s so funny, Zeth?” I said, adding a little bite in my words. He seemed to be holding back a chuckle before he looked back at Erick. I narrowed my eyes at him, but he seemed to be lost in thought for a moment before he decided to grace us with his reply.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” He said, but he was still holding back a chuckle. While he seemed to be distracted with whatever he found funny, I tested my left foot to see if I’d be able to run without collapsing as I did so. I would have to outrun these two idiots; but I had been trained to do so all my life; this should be a piece of cake. Looking to see if they were watching me, I took a hesitant step forward. They didn’t seem to take notice of my movement, so I looked down the corridor to see if Gyana was anywhere near. She wasn’t, and so I took that moment to sprint.

I heard a curse come from the both of them as I ran. I only had one thought in mind and that was to find the others. They couldn’t have gotten too far ahead in just a few minutes. I decided that I wasn’t going to look back, no matter how strong my curiosity was of how close they were to me. I sped up just in case and was zooming down the hall by then. I heard another curse that came from a little farther away and I sped up once more, needing to not be so close that I could still hear their curses. When I turned another corner, I saw that there was once again a split in the hall. I chose the same side that I had chosen before and ran.

“Which way do you think she went?” I heard Zeth ask Erick. I was relieved when they chose the other one to go down. They had argued at first because Erick just wanted to split up, but Zeth argued that it wasn’t safe. I had held back a snort at that and then sped up. As I made it further down the corridor, I spotted more cells. I looked left and right, but I didn’t stop to check and see if there were others that were like me. I just didn’t have the time because I had to find the others. As I drew near the exit of the tunnel-like path, I rushed into another room that seemed to be closed off.

Sitting in the corner of the room, was everyone; although Gyana seemed to be there as well. I cursed silently in my head at her. She had found them. The only one that caught my eye was Phethus, but he quickly looked away so as not to draw attention to me. I stalked closer to them, thinking of a way to take her down. We didn’t have much time because the other tunnel probably led close to here. I decided that I’d just knock her out fast and we would be on our way.

But as I drew closer, Gyana seemed to sense me and whipped around. Our eyes met and she glared at me. She then began to come towards me and I motioned for the others to run. This time though, they didn’t run. They started to whisper to each other, most likely thinking of a way to help me. The odds were better because there was only one of her. As she got closer, she made a motion to grab me, but I ducked and slid my leg out, trying to knock her off her feet. She jumped just in time though, and I stood up quickly then as she made a move to attack me. I caught her fist, but she was able to knee me in my gut. I gasped as the air was knocked out of me, but I bit my lip and quickly responded.

Our fight probably looked like some dance by our swift movements that held grace; it also seemed to entrance the others for a moment before they snapped out of it. I ended up making her fall to her knees finally and kneed her in her gut. She gasped, but was ready to fight a second later.

I finally heard the rush of footsteps then, and turned to see that it was Phethus and Kai were running straight at us. I tried to figure out where Zari had gone, but she was nowhere in sight. Maybe they made her go on ahead or something…? I was snapped out of my reverie when I felt something hit the back of my knee, making me almost collapse with the force. I turned my attention back on Gyana then. We began our destructive dance once more. That was when she was suddenly tackled to the ground by Kai, and Phethus grabbed hold of me. I looked at Phethus questioningly, asking with my eyes where Zari had gone. I motioned with his head towards a door. The door seemed to be slightly cracked open and we made a dash for it, Kai on our heels. We made in towards the door and threw it open; running in what seemed to be another tunnel-like path. That was when we heard a scream, and knew that it had to be Zari.

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