/\Chapter 11-- Zeth's POV/\

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The moment I saw her body beginning to collapse onto the ground, I ran towards her to catch her. She had lost too much blood and it was my entire fault! We didn’t even have a nurse to come and heal her up at the moment either! She needed a blood transfusion immediately. Just as I was about to move her still-less body, she moaned as if she were about to awake. I looked over to where Erick and the two other guys stood, frozen and staring at the beautiful warrior in my arms. I loved the feel of her, but I just couldn’t allow myself to fall for her because Erick had already claimed her to be his own. I cursed him for that because I just couldn’t help myself.

Suddenly, I felt Areiya stiffen in my grasp. My eyes widened at this because I knew what was to come if she woke to me holding her in my arms. I was also a little confused because she had just passed out because of her loss of blood, but now she was waking up in only a matter of minutes. My eyes slowly strayed towards her wound and I was astonished at what I saw.

Before me, Areiya’s wound began to heal itself. I stared in awe, unsure as to how this could happen. It had never been said that warriors were able to heal themselves in the ancient legends. As I thought about this, she began to stir in my arms. I knew she was awake when I felt her completely tense as if she were about to spring. I cursed at this and then focused my attention away from her healing wound and met her mesmerizing eyes.

Her magnificent eyes held confusion as she stared at me. She must have been a little disoriented, but I knew when she finally figured out her situation. Before I could even react, her fist was flying through the air and connecting with my face. A grunt fell from my lips as this happened and I was almost propelled backwards by the force. Her strength was astounding and very admiring, but I had no time to admire this feisty beauty at the moment because she seemed to be in attack mode; and I was her victim.

“If you don’t drop me this instance, you’ll wish that you were never born.” She hissed, her voice seeming deadly in that very moment. Instead of letting her intimidate me though, I rolled my eyes at her as if I thought she was cute for her vicious words. I looked back towards Erick and then and saw that Erick had resumed his fight with the two guys while Gyana was unconscious as well as the girl that was her opponent. I smiled at the sight, amused that Gyana had finally met her match. I would have chuckled too, if the air wasn’t suddenly knocked out of me. I gasped as it whooshed out and turned to the girl I knew did it.

She was grinning at her handiwork, and I didn’t like it one bit. I knew that I had hurt her pretty badly and I cursed myself for even landing a bruise on her heavenly body, but I had to defend myself so that she wouldn’t know how I felt about her in this very moment. When my breathing returned, I chuckled at her enraged face. This seemed to infuriate her all the more, but before she could land another hit on me, I dropped her onto the ground. I heard a grunt leave her, but she quickly recovered.

I couldn’t believe that I had at first misjudged her abilities just because of her looks. She looked somewhat fragile to me in a way; almost as easy to break as glass. I was completely wrong with that though. Just because something is beautiful, doesn’t make it any less strong. I smiled crookedly at the thought, but was violently pulled from my thoughts when I another fist connected with my jaw. I gritted my teeth and turned my full attention on her, watching her to see what she would do next. I dodged her next attack just barely, only because I was still wounded from the nail she had struck me with earlier.

She looked absolutely stunning while she fought me in the storage room. It was as if she was in some hypnotic dance with metal and nails… it was absolutely inexplicable to see her like that. It’s as if she had been born to do that; although it was actually true because she was born to protect her planet. I smiled at the memory of the first time I had laid eyes upon her. She had been running away of course, and I had been the one to tackle her to the ground. I hadn’t meant to do it actually, because she was going towards a dead end closet anyway, but my body had acted on its own. I could still remember the sparks that I had felt as my body made contact with hers.

I had zoned out and returned to reality just before she was beginning to attack once more. It seems that she had known that I was a little out of it in that moment and wanted to take me down before I could recover from my thoughts. Thank goodness I was training to block out my thoughts and focus on my target. She sailed through the air as she was aiming her foot at me. I caught it quickly, not wanting it to connect with me like her other hits.

I swung her around like I had done before and then let go. I didn’t want her to get hurt, but I couldn’t allow her to see that I actually cared about her. I had to pull myself together and concentrate damn it! I was finally able to block my thoughts and focus on the fight then. She had collapsed on the ground by where Erick was being held down by Phethus as Kai began to tie him. I rushed over to Areiya then. I wasn’t so sure that I’d be able to take all 3 of them on when I was already having trouble with Areiya to begin with.

I had to hurry up and knock her out for good or I wouldn’t be able to finish it up as quickly. I shot a look toward Erick, asking him what the hell he was doing. He sighed and then finally decided to break free and began to fight once more. I noticed then that Areiya had disappeared. Man, was she going to do the same that I had done earlier in the storage room? I groaned just at the thought of that happening and then rushed towards where I had last seen her and began looking for where she could possibly be.

I couldn’t exactly sense out where she was in that moment because my mind was going in fast forward. Suddenly, I heard a whoosh of air and I dodged her attack just in time. I heard her huff in frustration before she came at me again. I had no idea how long I’d be able to hold out on her, but I had to hurry up and finish this so that I wouldn’t have to figure out later. I didn’t even want her to be an experiment really… I just wanted her there so that I would be able to see her. I couldn’t just leave Sir Erick when he was in need of my help at this moment. He had helped me when I was a child… he had saved me from the disastrous massacre that had happened. It was also when I was the age of 8 and I watched at my parents were murdered right before my eyes as the invasion took place.

I practically owed Erick my life and I wasn’t about to just sit here and allow his plans to get ruined after all he had done for me; so I had to stop Areiya from taking us hostage. I thought more about it and then thought back to the expression on Erick’s face when he’d been about to be tied. He didn’t even seem to care really that we were being held hostage and that we were chained.

I felt a stabbing pain shoot through my leg and I knew why almost instantly. Areiya had attacked my injured leg. A burning began to form in my leg then, as if it were on fire. I was breathing heavily, not really sure if I could really hold out much longer. I decided that I had to attack eventually, so I turned towards her and saw her moving with incredible speed towards me. I sighed and tried to calm myself before charging myself towards her as well. She seemed a little confused by my decision, which was pretty good since it made her confused for just a few moments. I hurled myself towards her again and then tackled her onto the ground.

I thought that it would have been an awesome move, but I hadn’t noticed that I had left myself completely opened and realized this all too soon. As soon as well landed, Areiya kneed me in the nuts and I fell down, holding my stuff as agony shot through me. I could feel myself becoming red from the effort not to cry out in pain. She smiled sweetly at me and I believe that, that was all I could see in this moment because I then drifted into the abyss of unconsciousness. 

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