/\Chapter 9-- And so the fight continues/\

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We had already left the planet Ethis, and were now on our way to find the rest of our kind, as well as let the planet we’re from know that we were okay. The first planet we were stopping at was at Zari’s planet, known as Aravi.

We were just beginning to descend and land on Planet Aravi when commotion began to come from the other room where they were supposed to be watching their captives. I wanted to go back to see what the hell was going on, but I had to land the ship before I would be able to. I hurriedly did so and then made my way back there.

I walked in to see that they were all fighting their now escaped captives. I gapped, wondering how they had been able to escape while being under surveillance. I shot accusing looks at the others; which they didn’t see. Scowling, I stalked into the room, watching the scene speculatively, wondering how I would stop it this time.

“Stop!” I shouted, grabbing everyone’s attention the moment I did so. Taking a deep breath, I turned towards Phethus.

“What the hell is going on? How did they escape?” My voice seemed calm, but everyone would be able to tell that I was seething as I said the words. I saw Phethus physically gulp in nervousness before he looked away and answered in a murmur.

“Well, I went to the bathroom and when I came back all of this,” He gestured around. “was going on and I didn’t know what to do, so I began to restrain Erick again while the others fought.” I sighed in annoyance and turned towards the two idiots. They seemed to be looking everywhere but at me as I stared at them with piercing eyes.

“Well… are you going to explain yourselves Zari and Kai?!” I said, becoming impatient with the two of them. They finally looked up to meet my gaze and then murmured in reply as well.

“Well, see… what had happened was…” Zari started, trailing off.

“We had sort of started to play this game and got a little… distracted. The next thing we knew, we were being attacked by Gyana and Zeth.” Kai finished, looking sheepish at their lack of concentration. I bit my lip to calm myself, knowing that I would soon blow. I then looked at the 3 captives and they were all staring at me in amusement. I sighed once more before speaking once more.

“I gave you simple instructions and you can’t even do that. Well, just go ahead and finish the fighting and capture them again. We need to move quickly after this so that we can visit all of our planets before heading off.” At the words I had just spoken, Erick and Zeth shared a look while Gyana began to charge towards Zari.

While I looked at Zari being attacked, I was suddenly tackled to the ground. The air was knocked out of me from the fall, but I quickly recovered and flipped us around. I was now straddling the person who had tackled me to the ground. I finally took that moment to take in who exactly did so. The only thing that I had heard from them was the grunt when I flipped us. Looking down, I was surprised to see that it was Zeth who had tackled me. Looking over to the others, I noticed that Kai and Phethus were distracted by Erick and hadn’t even noticed that Zeth had charged towards me.

I quickly turned my attention back on Zeth to see him looking at me in wonder. I raised an eyebrow and kneed him in the stomach; this seemed to make him grunt once more and I held my forearm against his throat before speaking.

“What the hell do you think you are doing?” I hissed through my teeth, but he didn’t seem to be listening. His pale green eyes just stared into my own eyes in concentration. I kneed him once again to bring his attention to me. “Answer me.” I said, venom dripping from my words. His dazed look seemed to focus on me then.

“I don’t think you have the right to be asking me this, Areiya.” He said, his heated gaze beginning to smolder me. I shook my head to clear it, needing to concentrate on responding to him.

“I think I do. You’re not going to beat us. There are only 3 of you, and 4 of us, if you didn’t remember.” He had the audacity to smirk. With my other hand, I curled it into a fist and hurled it into his face. This brought a chuckle out of him though. I guess I wasn’t as strong as Kai was, because Zeth was amused by my punch. Though the closer I looked, I could see that a bruise was beginning to form on his cheek. If it was bruising, he had to have felt something at least. “Why the hell are you laughing?!” I had no idea why my emotions were beginning to spread everywhere. Was he doing something to me? Is this some type of technique that made his opponent go crazy?

“You’re cute when you’re angry.” Was his response, which infuriated me all the more. To my surprise though, I could see a hint of pink on his cheeks, as if he hadn’t expected him to say that. He refused to meet my stare for a moment before letting his eyes glance back at me.

“What the hell are you trying to do? Do you take me for a joke?!” I hissed in response. He must be joking with me. How dare he call me cute?! I punched him in the face again and this time, blood dripped from his bottom lip.

“I’m not doing anything but being straddled by you.” He responded. I guess he assumed I would blush at the mention of our positions, but I never blushed no matter what.

“So you are taking this as some joke then…” I trailed off when I found that he was looking at me for a moment with a weird expression. I smacked him to get rid of the look, not liking the way that I liked the look. I looked up to see that Erick was still being difficult with the guys and Gyana and Zari were still fighting. I then looked back at Zeth. “Why the hell aren’t you trying to fight me?” I was getting really pissed that he didn’t even take me as a threat.

Before he could respond though, I began to throw more punches at him, pissed that he thought I wasn’t worthy enough to fight. Suddenly, he was beginning to try and block my hits and I kneed him once more in the stomach, making the air leave for a split moment. He froze and I punched him once more before he decided to finally fight. He tried to flip us, but I slid out from under him and stood in a fighting stance. He reacted quickly before I could scissor kick him. Instead, he caught my feet and swung me around before letting me go. I held my breath as I saw that I was heading straight for Erick and them. Concentrating, I did a back-flip in the air and landed clumsily on my feet, but managed not to hurt myself. This seemed to grab Phethus & Kai’s attention and they realized that I was fighting Zeth then.

“Shit, why’d you let her fight him?!” I heard one of them hissed, making me even angrier that they thought that I was no match for him. As I landed though, I flew back towards Zeth, landing a jab in his stomach once more and making him double over, which allowed me to knee him in the face. He flew back and landed with a grunt before staggering up once again. He wiped the blood dripping from his lips and then smiled at me.

I heard a gasp coming from one of the guys from behind me, but I had focused my attention on Zeth in that moment, wanting to annihilate him for humiliating me like that. His smile slowly deteriorated as I gave him a death glare. He looked around to see if anyone would help him for what was to come, but he noticed that both of his people were still fighting. He turned back to me then with a determined face.

“I wasn’t planning on actually fighting you, but I guess you’ve left me no choice Areiya.” He said dramatically, pissing me off even more. Before he could say another word though, I charged towards him. 

/\Areiya & The -Invasion- Of Zanathis/\Where stories live. Discover now