/\Chapter 13-- Powerless/\

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Our positions were changed in a moments' time. I was being straddled by Zeth, powerless because my body was unable to move properly. I knew I should have tied those ropes tighter! I couldn't even begin try and put up a fight with him at this moment! He seemed to notice that I wasn't struggling underneath him then, making me curse myself in my head. I looked up at him blankly, not wanting to give away my vulnerability at this moment. 

"Why aren't you fighting back?" He demanded, confused by my actions. I remained silent, unsure of how to answer that question without giving anything away. I took deep breaths, trying to calm myself because I knew I had to think up a plan before we were captured again. I thought back to how I had gotten Erick to surrender, but I knew it wouldn't work on Zeth for many reasons. I wasn't even sure if he liked me that way, first of all; second, I had no one to tie him up even if I did distract him. 

He seemed to be growing impatient and then looked to where he had untied himself. I knew what he was thinking as soon as his eyes connected with the ropes. I had to do something fast before I was captured. I would be damned if I allowed this guy to take me prisoner and become the queen with Erick. I forced my body to cooperate in that very second, pushing past my exhaustion. I kneed Zeth in the gut, making him grunt and clutch his stomach for a just a second. That second gave me enough time to reverse our positions and I was now straddling him once more. 

He seemed to be stunned by my actions and I raised an eyebrow. He still seemed to be in shock, which was a good thing for me because I wasn't sure how long I would be able to hold him if he began fighting me again. I hurriedly grabbed the roped before he could recover and began trying to tie him up again. He seemed to snap out of his trance then and began to struggle against me. I cursed, knowing that my fighting was extremely weak and he would be able to overpower me in an instant. 

"Why can't you just submit to me damn it?!" I yelled, becoming desperate. I knew that I would be able to distract him, but it would only be for a little while and it wouldn't really matter because I was the driver of this ship! I wanted to yell for help, but that would alert Erick that Zeth was up and he would begin to fight once more. I had to handle this on my own. Biting my lip, I tried to think up a strategy for how to subdue Zeth. 

"I am loyal to Erick!" I heard Zeth hiss under me, answering my question from before. I punched his chest to keep him still, but it just wasn't working out too well. He was finally able to flip our positions once more. I cursed aloud this time and tried to struggle, but that was when I felt a pain shoot up my abdomen. I winced at the unsuspected pang, but tried to focus back on the task at hand. I had to distract Zeth. I looked back up at him to see that he was studying my face. 

His expression was unreadable, but his eyes seemed to slide down to my stomach, where I had unconsciously clutched my hand to. I cursed, knowing that he knew that I was hurt. I had over-stressed my body and it was now beginning to take its toll on me. I forced my hand to move away from the pang in my stomach and tried to slip out from under Zeth. He wasn't going to allow me to go that easily though.

"What was that?" He asked, his voice sounding monotone. He was trying not to show any emotion as he asked me this. I shook my head, not allowing him to know what just happened. My vision was beginning to blur though and I didn't have enough time him to be wasting on this. I tried to struggle again, even though I knew it was pointless. "What's wrong with your stomach?" He asked forcefully this time, but I still remained silent as I weakly fought against his hold on me. 

I was hit with a wave of nausea then and I froze completely. I then collapsed onto the floor beneath Zeth and I could tell that my eyes were beginning to black out. I couldn't allow that to happen though; I refuse to let him win! I made another wild attempt of escape and kicked his shin. He hissed in pain and I began to slip away from his clutches. When I was away, I ran towards the door, stumbling as I did so. It wouldn't be long before I passed out now. I heard him curse and heard as he began to come after me. I rushed and almost fell in doing so. 

I finally made it to the door then and saw that Phethus and Kai were speaking in hushed voices as they watched over Erick. Erick seemed to be pouting in his corner and that was when I sensed that Zeth was now behind me. I looked behind me and saw that he was closer than what I thought. It a moment of panic, I threw myself towards where Phethus and Kai were talking. The noise brought Erick's, as well as both boys', attention towards me. They seemed shocked, but then they saw Zeth come rushing out the door after me. 

I blacked out then, not being able to stop myself from doing so. I had exhausted my body far too much and I was now unable to move properly. I couldn't even catch myself; I realized as I began to fall towards the hard floor. I closed my eyes and waited for the impact that would surly knock me out. I frowned, knowing that my body would in turn try to heal itself, taking even more energy. I never felt the collision though, as strong arms wrapped themselves around me. I had no idea who it was... but that was the moment that everything began to drift away from me. 

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorry if it's so short, I don't really have the right software right now to see how many pages this would have been. 

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