Chapter 7- Paris

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The next day, we are half way to Paris. in the middle of the night, Coulson ordered May to slow the plane down, so that no one knew we were coming. 

Through the night, we traveled at a slow and steady pace, so that we would arrive in Paris before sunrise. When we arrived in Paris, we landed the bus and then we made our way to a hotel that Coulson had booked for us and we were ordered to get some sleep.

Ward and I went to his room, and got into bed and soon I fell asleep in Ward' arms. Ward had slept all night, but I had been up all night, lying in bed awake, wondering what was going to happen in Paris.

Four hours later, I am woken up by Coulson. 

We meet Coulson and the others out in the main room of the suite. All the others are already there, and all my equipment is set up on a table.

"Skye, it's time for you to work your magic. I need you to descreetly contact Fury and Maria Hill and let them know what is going on and tell them to be on the guard."

Coulson pulls out a chair in front of my laptop.  I walk over and sit down. My laptop is on and so I get to work.

I access Fury and Maria Hill's phones and make a message on their phones. The message states: 'We are in Paris, on mission, the target is the two of you, be on guard, we are on our way. The Bus'

I hit the create button and then I confirm that the alarm went off and Fury and Maria get the message. Then I wait for a reply.

It comes quickly. " Alright, we will be on our guard. We are expecting you. Be careful. From now on only comminicate like this, we don't know who is watching and listening. Fury"

I look up. " Alright, it is done. Fury and Hill have been warned. They got the message, now what?"

"Now, we get our gear and clear out. We are going to that meeting and we need to get there ASAP. We will split up into groups of two. Fitz-Simmons, you two are going to stay here and coordinate with us in the field. This room doesn't exist , so you should be safe here. When we are done, we will come back and get you, but in case this room is compromised, you both know how to shoot guns and you both have learned the defence side of being a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent, but you learnt everyting Ward and I learnt off the books so hopefully no one will expect you to give up much of a fight. Ward and Skye you two are together, so from now on you will always work together. May you are with me. We will travel in seperate cars and cover different exits. Ward and Skye you are to stay with Fury and Maria Hill and go with them everywhere. May and I will be at the back trying to find anyone who looks surpisious and cut them off."

We all nod and agree.

"Alright, we all know what we need to do, so lets do it. We go in armed heavy, we don't know what this guy is capable of so we go in armed heavy and that includes Fitz-

Simmons and of course Skye, because you are all field agents." 

We all move out and start to arm ourselves heavily. 

Ward helps me get into my gear.  Once I was in my gear and had all my weapons strapped to my body within quick reach, I am about to walk over to Fitz-Simmons, when Ward grabs my arm and turns me around to face him. He looks me in the eyes for quite a time and then leans in and kisses me for a long time, and when we break up our kiss, but Ward holds onto me and pulls me against his body and holds me tight to him. I hug him until I push my hands against him until he lets me go.  I peck him on the lips and then turn around and walk over to Fitz-Simmons.

An hour later, we are all on our way, to our locations. We all take seperate routes. 

We don't want it to look supisious. 


Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.- The love Affair- Book 1Where stories live. Discover now