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Oopssss!! I almost forgot this story 🙈🙈🙈🙈

Sorry sorry lakhoon sorry for being late...


"The number you have dialed is not answering, please try later..."

"Fuck!!" Arnav swore as he pulled away the phone from his ear and there it on the bed angrily.

Groaning loudly, in anger and frustration, he sat on the bed and dropped his face between his palms, rubbing it irritatingly.

"GOD!! Khushi, why you have to be so difficult?? Why dammit!??" Arnav snapped as he slammed his hand on the space beside him.

"Do you really think that your childish acts of ignoring my calls is gonna work?? If you think so, than you surely don't know Arnav Singh can't even imagine how much stubborness I can show, yours won't even match mine slightly. "

Arnav muttered glaring at the wall ahead. Picking up the cell, he again dialled the same number which was constantly on his speed dial since last one day. He gritted his teeth as the result was same as before. Cutting the call even before that annoying voice could stop, he threw it away.

"Dammit khushi, why you are acting so difficult?? Why are you making everything difficult for yourself, for me and for us?? I can't let you go, I simply can't, nor can I forgot the kiss we shared because it wasn't a mistake committed in a weak moment. It was from our hearts. Both of us wanted the same and you know this. Then why wearing this mask of indifference?? "

Arnav didn't even realized that he was continuously self talking. His mind was occupied with so many things that he was literally unable to think straightly. It's been a day, a whole one day since dewali and Khushi wasn't showing any appearance. He knew that it was because of him. She was deliberately ignoring him and his calls. She had even stopped visiting Shantivan claiming her illness but Arnav knew that it was just a lame excuse. She didn't want to face him after whatever happened between them on the pool side.

Pool side!!!

Arnav got up from his bed and walked towards the long French windows of his room. Drawing away the curtains, he revealed the spot. The wall was clearly visible to his eyes. Flashes of dewali night rushed into his mind making him close his eyes tightly.

How he tied the Payal around her foot..

How she clutched his shoulder in her small tiny fist...

How they both looked each other with so much longing...

How he cornered her to the wall...

The up and down heaving of her chest..

Her labored breathing...

How he asked for her assurance....

How she showed anticipation...

How they kissed....

Arnav opened his eyes in a snap. He didn't want to go there. Not because he regret it, but because it was too painful for him to bear her ignorance. It hurt him right in his heart when she called it all a mistake. His chest had tightened in immense grief when she vowed not to repeat any of this ever again. The thoughts were painful, the grief was high pitched but he couldn't cry, can he???

No, a big fat NO.

Because he was ASR, the same arrogant, ruthless businessman who wanted everything on his finger tips. He had the habbit of having any thing which he liked by hook or by cook but here, it wasn't a thing. It was Khushi, his Khushi. How can he let her go when she had became the reason behind every good thing of his life.

He had learned to smile heartily again, after meeting her...

She had became his breathing....

His life...

His love...

His reason to live....

He had become the old Arnav which he was once...

Arnav Singh Raizada would be dammed if he ever let that angel slip away from him.

" How can I let you go khushi?? Now, when I have realized that I can't live without you, that I have fallen for you.....that too, hard and fast. How can a person live without his heart beat?? I have to live in this world and for that, I need you. Because I know the moment I will let you go, that same moment would be my last. I love you khushi and I won't ever let you leave me. You have to come to me because you are mine, you always were and you will always be."


Khushi closed her eyes as fresh tears rolled down her cheeks. Wiping them away furiously, she tried to get rid of them but they were traitor enough to deceive her. Ignoring the ringing tone of mobile, she kept on looking at it without touching until it went dead again. Picking it up, khushi turned the phone on silent mood and threw it in her closet.

"I am so sorry Arnav-ji for ignoring your calls but I am helpless. I am afraid of my heart. It always deceive me when you are near. I can't do this to lavanya-ji. I can't cheat her. What we shared will always remain in my heart. I will cherish this memory of ours Forever but I can't be with you.. I simply can't.


Hope you guys like it 😊

Just a piece of information that I have changey username to @ArShi_Angel. So please don't get confuse....

Until next time..
Allah Hafiz...
Keep reading...
Keep smiling....

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