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Assalamualaikum to all the lovely sweet ArShians out there. Hope you people are absolutely fine!!

I am back with the sixth shot!!

Don't you guys think that I am Soo amazing to give you back to back updates!?

If you think that I am,than shower this update with loads of votes and comments...

Do chk out my two new stories aswell if you haven't yet!!

1. Tery Ishq Mein

2. My Possessive Husband

Hope you guys will like them also!!




At Gupta House:

Khushi was sitting in her room lost in deep thoughts. It's been two days since her last encounter with Arnav and there was still no movement from him as per his threat, yet!!. Much to Arnav's despise, she wasn't ready to face him. She knew that the moment he would come infront of her, she will loose all her control and she was afraid of that. She was afraid of her heart, her feelings for him. She didn't want to fall weak. She didn't want to cheat her friend but her heart was aching at this urging her to overlook every other thing and embrace that man who was waiting for her with open arms but she couldn't. Unfaithfulness wasn't in her blood.

Khushi's thoughts came to a halt with the ringing mobile. Startled, with the sudden noice she snapped out of her world of fantasm. Her brows knitted in confusion as she saw caller ID.


Biting her lower lip anxiously, she fought a battle with herself wheather to take the call or not. Atlast, sighing audibly, throwing away all other thoughts she picked up the phone.

"Hello lavanya-ji!" Khushi acknowledged.

"" Khushi heard the quivering voice of lavanya from other end.

Khushi felt her heart thudding in her chest. A sudden fear gripped her heart.

"Lav... everything fine?? Wh...what happened?? Why you are crying??"

"Chamkili..ASR..he has met with an accident. A very severe one, he is badly Chamkili please come here...I..I am alone...I don't know what to do.... everyone has gone for a Pooja at Temple....I am alone at home...pp... please come here..." Lavanya cried bitterly.

Khushi felt like the whole roof top had fallen on her head. Cold sweat dripped from her whole body. Her breathing shook as her hands turned cold as the words started sinking in her brain. Arnav's words from their last meeting flashed back in her mind. Her breathing stop as she started recalling his words.

'There is!! There is something between us. You love me just like I do. You care for me just like I do. You might be stubborn enough to deny your feelings for me right now but I swear on my life Khushi, you will accept whatever is there between us. I will make you accept. You will come running into my arms and will prove your love and care about me. You will!! And that too very soon. I promise Khushi you will!!'

So that was what he meant. He did this on purpose to make her accept her feelings. How can he do this?? How can he be so cruel?? How can he hurt himself to make her confess. He tried to kill himself.

Khushi suddenly felt too disgusted of herself. He did all this just because of her. Frest hot tears started slipping down her cheeks without her consent.

Unknown to herself, words started slipping out of her mouth. For a moment, she even forgot that lavanya is still on the line.

" can you do this?? How can you hurt yourself to make me confess. You know it that I can't see you in pain. You know that I care for you...that..I...I...I lo--"

Khushi was cut short with lavanya's intervention.

"Chamkili... please..come to RM..I am waiting... ASR's condition is worsening...please...we can't wait for long...Plzz..." Lavanya pleaded from the other end still crying.

"I am coming lavanya-ji...I am don't take tension. Nothing will happen to him. He can't do this to me...I won't let him do this to me...I am coming.."

And with that Khushi cut the call, picking up her bag she dashed out of the room.

Once again, Khushi Kumari Gupta felt all her control slipping away. Once again, Arnav Singh Raizada had forced her to comply his demand. Once again, he had made her helpless enough to give in what he wanted.!


At Shantivan ( Arnav's Room )

"Phewwwwww....done!! ASR..what you have gotten me into.." Lavanya sighed loudly shaking her head at Arnav who was sitting on the recliner looking at her amusingly.

Arnav chuckled listening to her.

"Hats off to your acting skills lavanya, I am impressed, seriously." Arnav smirked.

"Haa...stop it okay...I literally sucked...I swear I was afraid that Chamkili would realize that I was just acting...aghhh.." Lavanya said throwing her hands in air.

"She isn't that genious lavanya. If she was, the first question she would have asked you would be that why haven't you still taken me to hospital.." Arnav grinned.

"Oh are right. Seriously, she is very innocent but at the same time, she loves you alot aswell. Her mind literally stopped working as soon as I declared about your accident." Lavanya said

Arnav nodded his head smiling slightly.

"But she is too stubborn to accept this, isn't she?? Seriously I must appreciate for coming up with this plan. Only your ASR brain can think of such evils." Lavanya said as hit Arnav on his shoulder.

"But see, my plan worked. She is coming.." Arnav winked.

"Yeah right. By making her scared for yourself." Lavanya said sarcastically.

Arnav just chukled in response. He was happy. Too happy to hide it. His eyes were smiling along with his lips. The way khushi confessed that she care for him on the call, swealed his heart with happiness.

"Okay fine, i am going downstairs. Chamkili would be here anytime...let me handle her." Lavanya said moving towards the door.

"Fine!" Arnav declared.

Lavanya stepped out of the room closing the door behind. She sighed dejectedly wiping the corner of her eyes. Only she knew how she controlled herself from burst out crying infront of Arnav.

"I wish I had the same place in your life like Chamkili have ASR. She is indeed very lucky that you love her and that too, this much. But I am happy for both of you...for both of my friends." Lavanya said as she descended down the stairs.


That's it for now!!

Hope you guys like it 😊

I think only Khushi is the stubborn and negative character in this story.😂😂😂

All others are very chill!!😜😉

I know I said that this is going to be the last shot but I have extended it a bit. Now the next shot will be the last one..

Until next time...
Allah Hafiz...
Keep reading...
Keep smiling...

Loads of love💕💕😘😘😍😍

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