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Assalamualaikum to all the lovely sweet ArShians out there. I am back with the fourth shot!!

Read it and please leave behind loads of votes, comments and love.

Dedicated to Haru2009

Neenu I hope k ab tum man jaogi.. 😂😂😂😉😉😉😉😉



Khushi looked at her phone as it beeped with the notification of an incoming message. Furrowing her brows, she picked it up to look that the text was from the very same number. First she thought to ignore it but didn't know why she opened the box to read it.

And the message gave her a heart attack. She felt sweat dripping from her whole body. Her breathing shook as her hands turned cold as the words started sinking in her brain.

'i want you to meet me in the cafe near your house within half an hour. And let me make one thing very clear Khushi, if you disobey me and don't come, than you are surely going to regret your decision in the nearest future. I dont like people insubordinating me, you know it right?? Be there on time.'

And Khushi Kumari Gupta felt all her control slipping away. Once again, Arnav Singh Raizada had forced her to comply his demand. Once again, he had made her helpless enough to give in what he wanted.!


And exactly after 25 minutes Khushi was standing infront of the Sunshine Cafe. Looking around, she found Arnav's familiar SUV parked in the lot but he was no where around. With fast beating heart, she started hurrying inside when her wrist was grasped in a tight grip. Gasping at the sudden intrude, she turned around to find him standing a few inches away. His eyes which were glaring at her, were blazing fire. Before khushi could utter a word, he started walking inside dragging her behind him.

"Leave my hand, I can walk myself. Mr.Raizada leave. How can you threatened me like this. How can you force me to meet you?? You know what it was your maddness to threat me with something like that. Leave me...I said le----" Khushi tried to protest but was cut short as he turned around harshly and tug her closer.

"Just shut-up and come with me. I don't want to hear a single word from your mouth..." Arnav barked and started walking again.

This time khushi followed him quitely not wanting to mess with the angry lion. One word from her and he was looking all set to pounce on her.

Once inside, without looking here and there Arnav dragged her to one of the private booths which were situated in a secluded corner of the cafe.

The second they enter the room, Arnav shut the door behind, locking it and pushed khushi to it caging her between the door and his body.

"What the hell Khushi??? How dare you?? How dare you to ignore my calls. I was trying to contact you like a mad man since two fucking days and you kept on ignoring me. Were you in your right mind??? How dare you to leave me like that??" Arnav growled towering above her. His voice was dangerous.

"First you answer my can you threatened me like that?? How can you force me to come and meet you?? It was insane.... complete craziness from you..." Khushi retorted back.

"I wasn't left with any other choice. You forced me to do this??Why weren't you picking up my calls?? Why were you ignoring  me??" Arnav asked angrily.

"Because I didn't want to talk to you.." Khushi shouted.

"Fine than, you did what you want and I did what I found best. I knew that you will come because you care.."Arnav said looking in her eyes.

Khushi just looked away not knowing what to say. And this reminded Arnav of her ignorance. Gritting his teeth with his eyes showing pure fire and anger Arnav spoke,

"Don't you dare try to ignore my question Khushi. Tell me how can you just leave like that on dewali night and than ignore me?? How can you just act so calmly?? Was it easy for you to forget everything and move on??" His voice had turned dangerously low.

"There was nothing between us?? It was never and it will never be. What happened that night was nothing but a mistake. I have told you the same thing before aswell and I am going to say the same right now. We shared nothing. We were never us nor we can be. There was nothing to forget behind." Khushi said looking away from his eyes. She knew the moment there eyes will meet he will catch her lie.

"So we didn't share anything??" Arnav asked with a tight jaw.

"We do share but it had no meaning, no meaning at all. It was just a mistake committed in a weak moment and I regret it." Khushi said, still refusing to meet his eyes.

"Mistake, right??" Arnav asked looking at her keenly.

"Yes!!" Khushi said trying to sound firm.

"No meaning at all???" Arnav asked leaning closer to her.

"NO.." Khushi felt herself close to tears as she forced the words to leave her mouth. Only she knew how much it was paining her to shut him out.

Arnav felt as if someone had stabbed him with a sharp knife, right in his heart. Anger bubbled up inside him. He can't let this stubborn girl to deny everything. She was acting stupidly and he couldn't let her leave him just like that. So he tried once again,

"It wasn't a mistake Khushi. It was what, both of us wanted. It had a meaning. It was real. What we shared was special...very special khushi. You can't deny it. Stop pushing me away. Stop shutting me out. Stop denying your feelings for me. Both of us know that we feel for each other. Stop showing like you don't care. Stop acting indifferent because it do affect you. It do make a difference to you. Stop struggling to get away from me Khushi because there is no way in hell that I am going to let you go. You are MINE Khushi...Only MINE.... except it or not but you are stuck with me forever. I will never let you leave me and go. Arnav and Khushi will always be together. Arnav and khushi are together forever " Arnav said digging his face in the crook of her neck as he grazed his nose on her neck.

Khushi felt gossebumps all around her body as she felt the intensity and porximity of his words.

Was she able to deny it?? Was she able to push him any more??

NO...a big NO...

But still, closing her heart and hiding her feelings, Khushi Kumari Gupta pushed him away with all her might causing him to stumble back.


Because she couldn't cheat her friend. Little did she know that Arnav had already broke up with lavanya...


That's it for now!!

Hope you guys like it 😊

Do chk out my other story " Yeh Hai MOHABBAT (This is LOVE)" if you like and if you can. It's not an ArShi story INSTEAD it is a"BARUN SOBTI FF"

Until next time...
Allah Hafiz...
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