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Assalamualaikum to all the lovely sweet ArShians out there. I am back with the third shot of IR.
I hope you guys will enjoy it. Plzz leave behind loads of votes and comments....

* And yes, do chk out my other story "Yeh Hai MOHABBAT (This is LOVE)"

I won't spill the beans more. Do chk it out if you can and if you like to...



Lavanya climbed up the starirs towards Arnav's cabin. She had been called by him half an hour ago asking her to see him in his office declaring that he wanted to talk about something important. Lavanya was utterly confused by his behavior. It was like Arnav wanted to talk about something secret which urged him to act weirdly like this.

"ASR, Can I come in??" Lanvanya knocked on the glass door.

Arnav who was immersed in reading a file was knocked up by the sudden intervene. He looked up to see lavanya standing on the door. Sighing audibly, he closed the file gesturing her to get inside.

"ASR, is everything fine?? You called me to meet here. I mean we could have talked at home aswell." Lavanya questioned as she took a seat infront of him across the large glass table.

"No, it is something important and I didn't want to talk you having my family around." Arnav said.

Lavanya raised her brow, looking at him with narrowed eyes. He was acting really weird and secretive.

"Okayyy, so say it. I am all ears." Lavanya smiled.

Passing her a serious look, Arnav took a deep breath. What he was about to say was surely going to hurt her but Arnav thought it to be better despite the hurt she could have faced if they had married.

"Lavanya, you know me. I don't beat around the bush. I will come straight to the point. I wanted to talk about us and our relationship." Arnav declared looking at her facial expressions keenly which instantly changed listening to him.

"Aa...abo...about us?? What about that??" Lavanya stuttered gulping the lump in her throat.

"Lavanya, you are a very good friend of mine and you know this and no one can change this fact either. Whatever I am going today now, I hope that it won't effect our friendship." Arnav spoke. His lips pursed in a thin line.

"ASR...what are you saying? Everything is fine, right???" Lavanya spoke as her tone was laced with fear.

"Lavanya, we can't be one." Arnav declared.

Lavanya instantly closed her eyes as tears brimmed in them. She felt as if someone had gripped her heart tightly. She somewhat knew that it was going to come....sooner or later.

"Lavanya I don't want to hurt you. I never intended to. But the thruth is I can't be in a relationship with you anymore. You are a very nice girl and you deserve a much better person than me. I...I and my life is just screwed up alot. I don't want to ruin your life aswell. Even if I will marry you, I will never be happy nor you will be. And I don't want one such life for us."

Arnav Singh Raizada was a ruthless man. He always was but lavanya understand it for the first time. How mercilessly he had thrown hurtful words at her and he didn't even seem to acknowledge that. How ironical??

But Lavanya Kashyab was also one of her name. She can't show him that this all was effecting her and that too...badly. She had to keep her head high.

Love Is In The Air![COMPLETED and EDITED]#thenewyearawards |#IAAWhere stories live. Discover now