Imagine #2 -- Luhan Series

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6 EXO members learning about Rubix cube with Luhan. (Read which ships you like/support)


1: Luhan X Lay

2: Luhan X D.O

3: Luhan X Xiumin

4: Luhan X Sehun

5: Luhan X Baekhyun

6: Luhan X Kris

Luhan X Lay:

"Luhan I'm confused" Lay says, causing Luhan to sigh, but smile and explain again. It really wasn't that hard, but Luhan knew he had to be patient. The two boy's were sitting on Lay's bed, playing with a standard 3X3X3 Rubik cube. Luhan moves in his seat beside Lay and watches as the latter tries to complete the cube. Luhan talks him through what to do as Lay does it, but ends up needing to explain more than once most times.

"OH did I do it? Is it right?" Lay suddenly asks, and Luhan takes the cube from his hands. Lay had finished one side of the cube's colour, but the pieces were in the wrong places.

"You did well" Luhan says with a smile, waiting until Lay looks away to taking a drink, then quickly moving them to their correct place. Lay turns back to Luhan with a smile and takes the cube again, determined to continue without noticing the change in position.

"Can you tell what to do next??" Lay asks, moving closer to Luhan happily. It continued like this until Lay had finished the cube, Luhan fixing his errors and talking him though, Lay staying close so that he could hear him clearly.

"Wahh you did it!" Luhan says, smiling happily with Lay.

"Ne! But I did see you fixing it for me" Lay says, and Luhan's cheeks turn slightly pink.

"You noticed?" He says, and Lay smiles more.

"Talk me though it again, I want to learn it fully" Lay says, passing the cube to Luhan to mix up.

"Arraso" Luhan agrees, not knowing Lay only wanted to re-do it so that Luhan wouldn't leave just yet.

"So, what's first again?"

Luhan X D.O:

"What do you mean I'm doing it wrong!" D.O exclaims, glaring at the cube in frustration. Luhan laughs slightly at D.O's anger but helps. The other members all had separate schedules to be at, so they were left on the couch.

"You need to turn it towards you not away from you" He explains, turning the cube in D.O's hands. D.O shrugs Luhan off, muttering something about figuring it out on his own. Luhan doesn't pay much attention to his muttering, moving closer to watch what D.O was doing. Even as Luhan tries to talk D.O through what to do, Luhan is ignored, D.O preferring to concentrate and try on his own.

Luhan see's no problem with this, and leans back on the couch, closing his eyes to rest for a while. After only 5 minutes, he feels D.O poking him. When he didn't open his eyes, D.O punches his leg.

"Arraso, Arraso, I'm up" Luhan says, moving next to D.O again.

"What do I do to fix it?" D.O asks hesitantly. He knew that he had ignored Luhan when he had tried to teach him, but he hoped Luhan forgave him enough to help him out. Luckily, Luhan smiled brightly, moving closer and pointing out what to do.

"...and look! You finished it!" Luhan says happily, watching D.O smile, turning the cube over in his hands, looking at the perfectly matched colours.

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