Imagine #3 -- Xiumin and Luhan

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Standing on the wide green field, Luhan felt free. With Xiumin by his side, practicing football with him, he couldn't think of an place he would rather be, unless it was closer to Xiumin, of course. A thought comes into Luhan's mind, a training game of sorts, and he decides to pester Xiumin into playing.

"Umin! Let's play a game!" He says, smiling cutely at the older boy, who stops playing with the ball and raises his eyebrows.

"What kind of game?"

"Try steal the ball off me" Luhan challenges, kicking the ball so that it was in front of him, in Xiumin's line of sight. Xiumin smiles, agreeing to play and they start. Luhan quickly moves the ball away from Xiumin's reach, turning away from him and keeping his body between Xiumin and the ball. Luhan smiled, but Xiumin didn't notice. He was caught up in trying to get the ball, staying close to Luhan and brushing against him on accident every now and then. After a while, Xiumin knows he isn't going to get the ball from Luhan, who was having WAY too much fun, so he wraps his arms around Luhan's waist, pulling him to the ground with him playfully. They land next to each other, looking up at the sky and laughing together. As they steady their breathing, Xiumin turns his head to look at Luhan. Luhan doesn't notice for a few minutes, his eyes closed as his breathing slows. When he opens his eyes he turns to Xiumin and smiles.

"Shall we go back now?" He questions. Xiumin scrunches up his face, not wanting to return to their dorm rooms. Instead, he stood up, offering his hands to Luhan to help him up. Luhan takes his hands and stands, letting go of Xiumin's hands when he was steady. Xiumin doesn't let go of his hand still, smiling then pulling him along beside him, eager to spend the day out with him.

"Shall we go get a coffee?" Luhan offers, knowing how much Xiumin loves the hot drink.

"Nae!" Xiumin exclaims, happily letting Luhan drag him off the field.

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