Imagine #7 -- Xiumin and Luhan

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Luhan's POV

"I-I have a-a ah... project to do?" Xiumin stutters, refusing to look at me.

"No you don't" I wave off another one of Xiumin's excuses. We have been standing here for 5 minutes, Xiumin going through every excuse he could think of.

"How would you know?" Xiumin defends, playing with his hands and looking down.

"I'm in your class Xiumin" I state. Xiumin laughs slightly at his mistake, trying desperately to think of another excuse.

"A-actually I'm supposed to-"

"You have absolutely nothing on today, I checked with Suho" I say triumphantly, and Xiumin finally looks at me.

"Y-you checked? You w-want to spend the day with me that much?" Xiumin smiles slightly, and I know I've won him over.

"Of course, so let's go!" I pull him with me, knowing I won't have much time before he gets shy again.

Xiumin's POV

I let myself be pulled away by Luhan, towards the small cafe that we both know well from our previous visits. Luhan drags me by the hand to our favourite seats, hidden in the corner of the shop and pushes me into my side of the booth. I see Luhan smile, and I start playing with my hands again. Luhan's smiles always make my stomach feel funny, as if it had dropped suddenly. Luhan laughs softly to himself at the sight.

"You're cute when you're nervous Xiumin" Luhan comments, leaning on the table to look at me closer. My checks colour and I continue to look down, unsuccessfully trying to hide my face. I wonder if Luhan is doing this on purpose, making me nervous. I think he is. He's smiling again, grinning like he knows what he isn't supposed to.

"I-I need to go" I run out of the cafe, only to be stopped just outside by Luhan grabbing my wrist to slow me down, before catching me fully by hugging me. Unable to move, I stand still. Luhan laughs behind me and my eyes widen.

"Y-your l-laughing?"

"Please come back to the cafe, even if your nervous" Luhan insists, and I can feel his breath on my neck. I give a small nod, and Luhan thinks for a minute before letting me go. He takes my hand, pulling me back inside and to my side of the booth. We sit in silence for a little, Luhan ordering himself a piece of cake and both of us a drink. Our drinks arrive in front of us, and Luhan quickly picks up his fork, trying the cake. He seems to be happy with the taste, his eyes shinning and he fills the fork again. Although this time, he holds the fork in my direction.

"W-what?" I ask, looking from the cake to Luhan.

"Try it!" He puts the fork in front of me, waiting.

"Open~" He says, and I do as I'm told. After feeding me the cake Luhan places the fork on the table, looking at me for a while.

"W-whats wrong.. Do I h-have cake on my face?" I ask, wiping my mouth repetitively.

"Ani, I am just looking" Luhan smiles and I stop my movements.

"W-wae?" I ask quietly, shrinking under his gaze. My hands start fidgeting on their own and Luhan looks amused.

"Are you going to tell me why you're so nervous?"

Luhan's POV

I look at Xiumin closely, watching him.

"I-It's because..." Xiumin struggles to finish his sentence. I smile to myself, waiting patiently, knowing if I interrupt him now he will never say it. Xiumin breathes a little, taking his time as I watch him.

"I can't say it when your staring at me like that..." Xiumin whines, and I roll my eyes slightly.

"Should I say something first? To encourage you? I offer, and Xiumin looks up, interested. I take this as a yes, and lean on my elbows.

"I know you like me" I say. Xiumin's mouth falls open.

"I like you too" I continue. I know I am right. I have known for a long time now about Xiumin's feelings, I was just waiting for him to admit it.

"Y-you! How did you know I like you!" Xiumin says, completely missing my confession.

"Is that all you heard? I also mentioned I like you" I remind him, and his cheeks colour slightly.

"Y-you do? I-I thought you..." Xiumin goes quiet, so I walk around to his side of the booth and sit next to him. He looks up, his face flushed.

"So, can I call you mine, Baozi?" I ask, moving closer to him.

"Y-yours?" Xiumin asks, his eyes flicking to my face.

"Mm" I mumble, smiling.


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