Imagine #20 -- Kris and Suho

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Suho looks up at Kris, who is walking beside him. Why would he stand there?! It made Suho feel very short. Kris notices Suho's glare and looks down, feeling amused but his face blank.

"What?" Kris asks, letting a small laugh escape.

"You're too tall" Suho complains, looking away and continuing to walk, following the other members of EXO. Kris watches Suho, becoming more amused every time he huffs. Kris knows Suho's going to keep this up all day, so Kris smiles slightly, reaching and grabbing Suho's hand. For any other couple, it would have been an awkward to hold hands with the height difference, but Kris has long arms, and was the perfect length to hold Suho's hand.

"You're still making me feel short" Suho insists, and Kris rolls his eyes.

"The Dad is usually taller than the Mum, so put up with it" Kris responds, managing to make Suho smile. Suho holds onto Kris's hand, hitting him lightly but happily walking beside Kris for now.

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