Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys. I hope you like my story. I know the fisrt few chapters are pretty dull; but they will get better I promise! Don't forget about the cover compettition! Thanks and enjoy!

Just to be stopped by a fence that was around 13ft high topped with barbed wire. We stood there looking up, at the pointed ends on the fence. “Wow, no-one must get out of this place,” Spike muttered to himself, trying to calculate a way out of this mess. I heard people yelling things like; ‘release the hounds!’ or ‘get the guards!’ I knew we didn’t have much time so I yelled the first thing that came to my mind

“Climb up the fence! When you get to the barbed wire make an almighty jump!”

“You sure?” asked Spike trying to get the energy to make that jump.

“It’s the only option. Just do it!” He went first climbing the fence and then jump, missing the pointed fence by 1cm.  Once he was on the other side, I nodded and gathered the strength to climb up the fence. I reached the barbed wire, slightly cutting my hand in the doing of, and prepared myself to jump. I heaved myself over the pointed edges, barely missing my stomach, for my luck to end there. My leg was stabbed by a pointed edge, causing pain to spread throughout my body, and for me to cry out loud. I was now uncontrollably falling, not prepared to land and I saw the ground rushing up incredibly fast. I was ready to go splat when strong arms gripped me and started running. It was Spike he saved my life. “Thank you,” I breathed and he just shrugged,

“Whenever you need it.” It was at that moment that I felt a spark of hope.

“We will get through this Spike,” I muttered, my eyelids closing.

“I know, we always will,” he reassured me, just before I let myself drift off in a wave of darkness.

I opened my eyes groggily, to see a concerned face leaning over me. “She’s awake,” the person said with a sigh of relief. It was Spike and where were we? I tilted my slightly to see but it made me feel sick so I lowered it. “It’s okay,” Spike assured, “you’re in a hospital, you are safe.”

“Whaa... Hap-en,” I say groggily

“You passed out, supposedly from the loss of blood,” he said before checking to see if anyone was listening, “by the way, you’re Laney and I’m David.” I nod, knowing where he was coming from.

“Ok, Laney I need to ask you some questions,” said the doctor.

“Sure,” I sit up, feeling better.

“How are you related to David?”

“We’re siblings.” I answered and he looked at Spike then back at me, “we are adopted,” I quickly added since Spike and I look nothing alike. He nodded and wrote that down before asking the next question,

“How did this,” he motioned towards my leg,” happen?”

“I told you why! She fell, there’s nothing more to it!” Spike exploded, “why don’t you believe me?”

“It’s not that I don’t believe you, I always ask the patients as well,” the doctor said coolly.

“It’s true. What Sp-David is saying is all true” I nodded, but the doctor didn’t seem satisfied.

‘Why did you fall?”

“I was distracted.” I said simply

“By what?”

“The sky.”

“What in the sky?”

“Why doesn’t even matter?! I don’t know, a plane, a bird a freaking cloud!” I yelled. He looked taken aback.

“No, I guess not,” he muttered.

“That’s what I thought,” I said happily.

“Ok, last one,” the doctor sighed, probably thinking ‘Why do I have this girl?’

“What is it?”

“How did you heal so quickly? It usually would take about 1 week to even start to scab over.” I looked at my leg, which was now just a scar. It was stiff and sore, but nothing like the searing pain that it should have been.

“David. How long was I knocked out for?” I asked, hoping it would generate some answers.

“A bit less than 2 days.” That didn’t help at all.

“I don’t know why I healed so quickly? I guess it was a weird once a lifetime thing.” But the doctor just shook his head.

"A weird once in a life time thing would have been it healing in 1 week, not 2 days.” But I just shrugged.

“Can’t I just go?” I wined, not wanting to be in here much longer.

“You can after some tests. I just want to check your skeletal structure...”

“No,” I snapped, looking directly into his eyes. They got a funny glaze over them and he straightened up and led me to the door. I followed Spike out the door

“Cya,” I waved and he shook his head, as if he was trying to get rid of some thoughts.

“Hey, get back here!” he shouted,” How did we even get out here?” He had a quizzical look on his face. “This isn’t the last time, I’ll be seeing you. I figure out what’s up with you.” He was shaking his fist now.

“Whatever,” Spike said while shaking his head. We walked off into the distance, leaving that awful hospital, and man, behind.

It was later that night and we were sitting by a campfire. I had my hands near the fire trying to warm them up. Spike came next to me smiling. “What’s up with you?” I asked, since being on the run isn’t really something to be happy about.

“It’s just that, there was one good thing about that man.” He said.

“What, I couldn’t find anything of the sort,” I joked.

“It was this.” And he flicked a piece of plastic that was worth so much. “Now, we can spend as much as we want and he’ll be charged.”

“Wow, good work.”

“What was that back there?” Spike asked out of the blue

“What do you mean?”

“You got the doctor, to let us go. How?”

“I honestly have no freaking idea. It’s like I had mind control” I mused.

“You could,” Spike added.


"You actually might have mind control, you know, what Dr Temper was talking about back at the jail.”

“Don’t be ridiculous!”

“I’m just saying,”

“No you’re not,” I cut him off, “you’re not just saying anything. I’m not that weird!”

“I never said that,” Spike answered

“You implied it!”

“Whatever, I’ll take first watch just sleep, goodnight.”

“Goodnight,” I said just before laying down and closing my eyes. I was not that weird, was I?

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