Chapter 5

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This is the furtherest into a story I have ever gone!! I know, 5 chpaters its sad... but still!! I know this story isn't the greatest but I'm going to stick with it so I hope you do too!! Thanks :D Enjoy!!

Update: Didecated to Chole Cullen for her amazing job at the cover!! You go girl! Thankyou so much and if you can't tell, the subtitle say: A tale of two fugitives, on the run from the truth...

Thankyou so much.


The sun filters through the thick curtains as I slowly get out of bed. My head touches the curtain which causes a truck-load of dust to fly around the room. "AACCHHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" I sneeze. I hope no-one was outside because if they were, we weren't hidden anymore. Spike sits up abruptly on his bed looking panicked. "What is it?" I asked him in a hurry

"I - I don't know," he stammers. It must've been something big, Spike never stammers.

"Tell me everything," I order. I probably should be gentler but we don't have time. He sighs as he tells me his story. He had this dream where we were captured by large people in black coats. They all were wearing the same thing; black sunglasses, black coat, black boots and black pants. He remembers that we were shoved into the back of a truck, with other kids. He doesn't know why, but the men were the only people to speak throughout the entire dream. We drove for a while before stopping in front of a tall building. According to Spike, it wall a pale blue with a barbed wire fence surronding it. He continued by saying that we were escorted inside, and taken to a room that was all white. There were cages and equipment everywhere, and the large men dressed in black out wire around our necks. They order him to  get in a cage but he refused - then he was zapped. the wire was a tazer that shocked you every time you refused to do something. The only reason Spike was freaked out was because the pain felt too real to be a dream. It felt like it was actually happening.

"Wow," I breathed. It was obvious the Spike was feeling better after talking about it so I told him to have a shower. He obeyed as I got everything ready. I was surprised he could remember the dream in so much detail, I can't even rememebr a thing about my dream last night apart from the fact that I had a dream. I shook my head and started to pack our backpacks. Spike exited the shower with his brown hair looking darker than normal from the water. He still surprises me how good-looking he was. I don't have feelings for him, we are really good friends, but I can definatly see why plently of the girl at our school had a crush on him. His blue eyes that looked alive, like a ocean swirling with the tides, searched my face. I realized he was holding out a towel for me to use.

"I got you a towel," he says.

"Oh, umm. Thanks," I replied, my cheeks going red. I enter to the shower confused on why I was blushing. It was probably because I was looking at him directly in the eyes for like 2 minutes. That was it. Yes. I sigh deeply and turn on the water. It freezing cold. Whatever hot water there was yesterday is now gone now. I got out and dried myself beore getting dressed. A green hooodie and light blue stretchy jeans. I ran the brush that was in the drawer through my hair. Somehow, I had managed to get all the snarls out. I put it in a bun on the top of my head before heading out.

"We should go get something to eat and decide on our plan." I suggest. Spike just nodded. He looked normal, but he has a talent for hiding emotion. I could tell that he was shaken up about this, it was freaking me out.

"That sounds good." He muttered looking up from his black converse shoes. He got up off the bed and dusted his pants. "Let's head out."

We were walking along the abandoned streets of this town. Occasionally, we would pass a few mothers with prams and other locals. We stopped at the golden arches. :How's McDonalds sound?" I questioned.

"It's good." We walked inside and almost everyone stared at us. I felt very alienated.

"Why is everyone staring at us?" I asked Spike.

"What day is it?" he questioned back. I don't know what this had to do with people staring at us but I searched for a clue of the day. I saw a sign that said 'Cheap Tuesday Specials Today!'

"I'm pretty sure it's Tuesday," I say pointing to the sign. "But I don't see what this has to do with -"

"In that case, we should be at school."

"Oh, I didn't think of that."

"Of course you didn't." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Nothing at all." I glared at him for a few more seconds before walking up to an open register.

"Hi, can I order?" I say, being polite as possible. The boy behind the counter looks around 19-ish with ragged blonde hair falling on his face.

"Sure. But, aren't you meant to be at school?"

"We're on holidays. Our parents are waiting for us outside so if you don't mind-"

"You came here for a holiday?" He interrupted me. that's twice today and it's only early.

"Well, we are here so yea. We came here for a holiday. Why?" I began to tap my foot, becoming impatient.

"Well, not that many people come to Bourksville for holidays anymore. You know, because all the myths. But I reckon it's all crap."

"Um ok. Can I order now?"

"Oh yeah. Sorry, what can I get you?"

"4 Big Macs, 4 Large Fries and 4 Large Coke's." I'm really glad that I made the parent thing up because I'm positive that that would have caused another nucket load of stares and questions coming my way.

"Ok, that'll come to $36." I handed him the doctors credit card that we stole before I realized something. What if we had to sign or enter a pin?

"Excuse me a second." The boy said and I stsarted to panic full-time. I stole a glance at Spike and his eyes were a tiny bit wider than normal so that means he realized the same thing.

"Scot, what do they do with this card, sign or pin?" I hear the boy ask the manager. Scot examines the card before saying,

"Oh, this is one of those new cards. Where you just scan. No pin or signature is needed." I breahed out deeply when the boy returned. He scanned the card and as he handed it back to me he looked at my face.

"Woah, what happened to you? It looks like you saw a ghost."

"I'm just feeling a little sick."

"Well, don't throw up on the counter." He smiled at me and the whole room seemed to lighten up. "Your food will be ready in a minute."

Well the food couldn't have taken any longer. After 5 minutes, the boy walked back and asked what was happening with our food. Turns out, they had forgotten about it. Another 5 minutes later 3 big bags appeared in front of me and I inhaled the scent.

"Here you go, sorry for the wait." Another girl handed said to me. I thanked her and headed out.

"Well that was defiantly the most stressful visit to McDonalds I had ever had." Spike said while we walking walking further down the street.

"Tell me about it." I muttered before sinking my teeh into a Big Mac. I know it's bad for you but damn, it takes so good. We sat down at a bench and finished our meal without a word.

"Well," Spike began, "where do we begin?"


A/N: I hoped you liked it!!  think it's one of my longest chapter yet! The action is nearly starting. Hoped you enjoyed it! If you did please vote & comment. Don't forget to check out my other stories. If you do, I will love forever. Happy days and eat maccas!!

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