Chapter 4

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  • Dedicated to Everyone On Wattpad

A/N: Sorry it took soooooooo long for me to post. I have been busy with end of term exams and assingments but now I am on holidays. I will post more often until the next end of term stuff so yeah. Sorry about that stuff. You may have forgotten bits and pieces and if you have I am sincerely sorry. I hope you like it cause this is one of my favourite chapters so far. Enjoy :D

I woke up to the smell of cooked... something. Whatever it was is smelt good. I opened my eyes to see blurry trees and I started panicking. Why am I in a forest, a forest, ohh yeah. I sat up to find Spike, his long brown hair stuck up at all angles from sweat. Wasn’t I meant to get up to take watch? “I took all night since I couldn’t wake you up when you looked so peaceful,” he said as if he read my mind. I nodded and sat myself in front of a crackling fire and Spike handed me a cooked piece of meat on a stick.

“What’s this?” I asked picking some off and chucking it in my mouth.

“Wild rabbit,” he said bluntly. I nearly spat it out then remembered that I am going to have to get use to this. To be honest, it didn’t taste to bad but still, rabbit.

“What do you reckon we should do?” I asked. We couldn’t return to our normal life, we apparently had special powers and were amazing. I don’t know what that meant, but it sounded powerful.

“Well, it’s been made clear that people want us. So my guess is that we stay on the run, you know like wanted fugitives.”

“That would make sense,” I agreed, “but under one condition,”

“What’s that?” Spike looked up from his.... rabbit... with a questioning look.

“I call the shots,” I say proudly with my back straight and head held high.

"Whatever leader,” he smirked and rose from the ground. I brushed some crumbs off my once green jeans, now they were brown and red and all sorts of colours, and wiped my face. It was pretty hot and we were really dirty so we walked to the nearest river and jumped in. The cool water felt nice on my heated skin and the jeans slowly became cleaner. After about an hour of splashing, swimming and cleaning we got out and..... We didn’t really think our plan through as we only have one set of clothes which are now sopping wet. “Well, what do we do now your highness,” Spike asked with a death wish.

“I know, let’s go to town, buy a backpack and some other clothes,” I say slapping him on the back with every word. Spike gritted his teeth as we left.

The town was cute and small. Everything was made out of wood with a few building made out of bricks. We made our way around looking for a shop that had what we needed and we stumbled upon a building that looked unused and unguarded. We looked out each other and nodded before making out way into the lobby. When we took a step inside I started to have a sneezing fit from the dust. Dust covered absolutely everything. We made our way to the wooden desk and I knocked it, half expecting it to fall beneath me. After 5 minutes of waiting we decided that no-one was here and left to find a room. We had to climb up 12 flights of stairs to find a room that wasn’t locked and once we did, I nearly died from the smell. It seriously smelt like several, and I many lots, of rats have died in here the most that has happened would be that stray cats would have taken some away, then die again from poisoning or something. I made my way over to the closest and pulled the door open, expecting to see rats scurry out. But what did I find big black coats that would fit both of us inside of it. While I checked out the closet Spike raided the cupboards in search for a bag. In the back of the cupboard I saw some folded up t-shirts and shorts. I didn’t think anyone would miss them and I stuffed them in a dirty backpack that Spike found. He then raided the food while I took a shower. The bathroom was small and had only a shower, sink and cupboard. A quick check found nothing inside it and I then stripped and entered the shower. It looked terrible, mould growing on the walls and everything rusted but to my surprise, the water was quite warm. Maybe they had heated water or it had just been sitting for a long time, heated by the sun. Whatever it was, it made a damn good shower. I dried myself with a towel that felt like cardboard and dressed in a large shirt and a pair of striped shorts. I made my way to the main room where Spike was getting ready for his own shower. “The water is nice and warm,” I told him,

“Really?” he replied with a surprised expression on his face.

“Yeah,” I said as he walked into the bathroom and shut the door quietly.  I checked what he had packed; it was fine and went to see if this old television worked. It took multiple tries and a bit of banging but I finally turned the TV and started flicking through the channels. Nothing good was on so I switched it off and climbed into a musty coloured bed. It creaked with every movement and the pillows felt like bricks but I decided it would do. Spike came out and started to lay on the floor.

“What are you doing?” I asked

“Going to sleep,” he said in his most ‘isn’t it obvious’ voice capable.

“On the floor?”

“Well, there is nowhere else,”

“This is a double bed you know, I’m not that big,” I said and he smiled and small but genuine small.

“I know, I just thought it would be kind of awkward since well, yeah,”

“Just get your dumb ass up here. We are going to have to get used to this so just sleep in the bed.”

“Ok, only cause you asked so nicely,” Spike joked.

I was awoken by a soft murmuring coming from the hallway of this floor. Most people wouldn’t be able to hear that but that’s another thing weird about me. As well as eyesight, so I can see exceptionally well in the dark too. I squinted at the wall clock, it was 2:30am. Normal people aren’t awake at this time. I knew that if I moved this bed would squeak so I stayed really still and really quiet, trying to listen to their conversation. “Are you sure she’s here?” a man asked.

“Yeah I’m sure,” another man replied.

“Well, what are we going to do about it?” The first man asked,

“What?” the second man asked, not hearing the first man.

“I said,” he raised his voice, forgetting to keep it hushed, “what are we going to do about it?” At this point of time I had managed to get out of bed and silently walk over to the door.

“Do about what?” I snarled and the colour of the two men’s faces had drained. By now, Spike had made his way towards the door as well. My eyes registered that the first man was about 40 years of age and looked very uptight and professional whereas, the other man looked about 25ish and looked like a local citizen here. My guess, he found me and told this other guy. Both men scooted down the stairs really fast and I turned to Spike who was chuckling at this point of time.

“Woah,” he said in amazement as soon as he made I contact with me.

“What?” I snapped.

“Check out your eyes.” I walked over to the dust covered mirror, wiped the dust off at eye level and looked at myself. My jaw dropped to my feet and I quickly closed it before I started catching flies. My eyes were a bright purple with three jagged black lined running down it. They had light basically emitting out of them and a soft purple glow was cast on my face. I stared and blinked several times and tried to cool down. In, out, in and.. it was gone. My eyes had returned back to their baby blue state. I kept staring and turned to Spike for answers but he just shrugged. I guess we will just have to wait and find out.

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