Chapter 6

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A/N: Sorry it has taken me soo long to update! This story isn't my best, I know, but I'm going to stick with it, so I hope you are to. Enjoy! :D


As I finish of my second large Big Mac meal my brain is reeling over what we should do. Should we stay and research those legends, should we run away, shoulld we hide in the forest, should we try to get home? I automatically rule out the last option and maybe the third. I would like to research more about these legends, to give us something to do. "Spike," I ask before swallowing my last mouthful.

"Mmm?" He looks at me, his eyes completely unreadable to the untrained eye. But luckily, since he has been my bestie for many years now, I have half figured him.

out. He has a small glint which conveys that he is feeling sad, but trusting. On the inside that makes me feel a lot better.

"Why don't we research those legends, it could be interesting and we need something to do?" I ask.

"Sure. But, you want to research? I thought you hated that stuff..."

"I do, but I'm really bored." I say with a grin. He laughs quietly to himself before asking.

"Zoe, what are we going to do in the long-run?" He asks, all previous bits of amusement gone.

"I honestly don't know. But, for the time being, we'll do anything we need to to survive." I say, with a heck of a lot more confidence then I actually have. "So," I change the topic, "where can we research the legends?"

"How about a library? I saw a sign before saying that one was 2 km up this road. Sound good?"

"God Spike, that's why I love you." I joke. "Now lets go."

We head down the road for about 2 km before coming across an elegant building. 'Bourksville Library' was written in large stone letters. Yep, this was defiantly it. We walked inside to face something much more fancy than I expected. Red carpet covered all the floors apart from what appeared to be the kids section, which had multi-colourful carpet. There was a wall which was covered with computers so I led us over to there. I used the guest login and clicked the Internet Explorer icon. While it loaded, I decided to look around me. The library wasn't packed, but there was a substantial amount of people.  Firstly, I typed up 'Legends of Bourksville' and within seconds, thousands of results had appeared. Spike and I, both on separate computers, looked through so many articles and reports. Before I knew it, I checked the time on the computer, 6:00pm, we had been researching for a little of 3 hours. Looking around I notice that the library is basically empty, apart from us, some random guy reading children's books and the librarian who was cleaning up her work space. "Spike, we got to go," I say, looking around.

"Or.." he started, "we could sneak around and sleep in here..." I stare at him, calculating the pro's and cons of doing that. The only bad thing was if we get caught, were doomed. What have we got to lose? Our parents can't get angry at us. I cringe at the thought of our parents. Will we ever see them again? I wonder what there doing? Mum is probably cooking dinner and dad's probably in front of the TV, watching football. How I missed them...

The pro's of sleeping here clearly outweighed the con's so I shrugged. Basically, as soon as the creepy guy left we would go into the kids section and hide. The librarian finished stacking the tables ages ago and they were perfect hiding spaces. As if on cue the guy left and the librarian went into her office for the last time. "Now is our time. Lets go." We stealthy run across to the kids section and slide ourselves behind and inbetween desks and chairs. I look over to Spike and nearly burst out laughing. He would defiantly be hidden but he looked so uncomfortable. We was underneath a bookshelf with is legs curled so when he reached the end of the shelf, and his legs had no where to go, they somehow curled  outwards exactly the same as a chair in front of him. The look on his face was about as funny as the position itself. Not too long afterwards we heard the librarian shut the door and locks shut. We both relax a bit, but continue to remain silent incase she was outside still. After another 5 minutes we got up and relief flooded through me, and apparently onto Spikes face.

We got settled about an hour later after combining what we know knew about these so-called legends. What we have discovered is that the people of Bourksville have been waiting for centuries for two hero's or so called to come. They were said to have supernatural powers and save the town from the evil overlord's. In my opinion, we have already found a flaw. It's that I have not seen any sign of an apparent evil overlord. But anyway, the reason why people have stopped coming to Bourksville in the past year or so, is that in these legends, the evil lord, is meant to take over after these events occur. Firstly, there should be a major decrease in weather change (so it stays basically the same temperature  all the time), there should be no tornado's, floods or any kind of disaster and lightning should occur without thunder or rain. When this begins, it signals the start of the overlord and in an unknown amount of years, the hero's are meant to come and defeat them. Honestly, this all sounds like nonsense some 10 year-old made up in story writing. But, there was one page that made me stop. It was a recent newspaper article that stated that some people have apparently seen these heroes, One man, said he witnessed the girl with glowing purple eyes.

And this, my friend, is how we came to the conclusion, that we were the apparent heroes.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2012 ⏰

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