Chapter 2

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Amberleaf led the way, leaping neatly over the smaller rocks and climbing the boulders. Fernwhisper was hard on her paws, scrambling up the barrier. On the other side, the slope grew steeper. The best way looked like staying right on the stream's bank.

The sisters climbed on, sending loose pebbles and stones down once in a while. The sound of running water soothed Fernwhisper. It reminded her of the river back home in the gorge.

By the time the sun was setting, the she-cats had gotten to a fork in the stream. One continued straight. The other was small and it disappeared. Fernwhisper could hear the soft sound of a slow waterfall, much different than the roaring one at the Tribe's cave.

"Emberfoot didn't say anything about a fork in the stream." Mewed Amberleaf doubtfully.

"Let's follow the one toward the sound of a waterfall." Fernwhisper mewed, setting off.

Sure enough, the shorter stream led them to a waterfall that fell into a pool of moonlit water. They leaped down into the hollow and walked slowly up to the pool.

Fernwhisper felt her paws slide into smooth paw prints left by ancient cats. She felt as if the whole world was silent. The only sound was whispering, the whispering seemed to be chanting her name.

Fernwhisper! Fernwhisper!

She looked at Amberleaf, who looked as if her thoughts were spinning. Fernwhisper knew this must remind her of the Whispering Cave back home. "Do you hear the whispering?"

"What whispering?"

"I hear whispering chanting my name..." Fernwhisper answered, a little scared now.

Amberleaf shrugged, "Emberfoot also never addressed how to meet our ancestors here but I'd guess it's a lot like the whispering cave. So just lie down and touch your nose to the water. Oh, and close your eyes."

Fernwhisper nodded. The whispering had vanished so she focused all of her attention on lying down and touching the water. She closed her eyes and settled on the smooth, spiraling stone and stretched out her muzzle.

Fernwhisper urged herself not to flinch as the cold water hit her nose like the slash of a claw.

Suddenly, she felt as if she was falling. She flashed open her eyes to find she in the air, plummeting toward the ground. With a thump, Fernwhisper hit the ground. She looked around and realized she was in the gorge. Fire obviously hadn't scorched through here though.

Bright light spiraled down from the sky, reminding her of the gathering. The starlight faded and figures of cats began to appear. She recognized most of the cats. She had seen all of them at the gathering. The sound of paws behind her made Fernwhisper whirl. She saw cats from all of the clans, coming to welcome her into leadership.

"This is amazing!" She gasped.

"Indeed it is." Mewed a voice Fernwhisper thought she'd never hear again.

"Skyheart!" She squealed like a kit as she turned back around. "It's so good to see you! I've missed you so much!"

Skyheart nodded. "I have come to give you the life of courage! Al leaders need to have courage, but you need it very much. There'll be challenges in your new territory. You need the courage to ask other leader for help and the courage to complete some tasks on your own." Fernwhsiper's mentor rested her chin on Fernwhisper's head.

Lightning shot through her. Instinct told her to flinch and protect herself but she pushed past it. She swayed slightly as the electricity began to ease. She let her clenching jaw relax and shook her head to clear it.

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