Chapter 5

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Fernstar entered the clearing with Reedthicket and Windwhisp at her side, "Do you need some help?" Fernstar asked.

"Yes, please. We need to get Leafpaw back to camp." Amberleaf replied.

"Then what are we waiting for... Hedgehogs to fly? Windwhisp, you can help Amberleaf carry Leafpaw back to camp. And Reedthicket, you come with me. We're going to set up a nest for Leafpaw."

They all stumbled towards camp and settled down, including Leafpaw, who was snoring almost as bad as Reedthicket usually did.

Amberleaf approached Fernstar, clearly wanting to discuss Leafpaw's situation.

Fernstar beat her sister to it, "So what do you think we will do about Leafpaw? Will be able to be in the battle tomorrow?"

"No, sadly she will not be able to participate in the battle. She'll need at least a moon and a half of rest before she can heal."

Skyclan's leader gaped at her sister, "But she needs to be in the battle! We haven't had any kits born since the journey started besides Seedpaw and Leafpaw, So we don't have enough warriors or apprentices to fight off all of the warriors of Thunderclan." Fernstar protested lashing her tail, "I can't afford to lose another cat."

"Well you're going to have to. Leafpaw is in no condition to fight!" Amberleaf hissed.

Suddenly, an idea popped into Fernstar's head, "What if..." She hesitated.

What if what?" Amberleaf stood impatiently.

"What if she didn't have to fight, but could still be in the battle."

Amberleaf eyed her leader. Worry for her kit still sparked her gaze, but interest was shimmering over it. "What are you implying?"

* * *

Fernstar and the rest of Skyclan rolled in soft mud before trekking to Thunderclan. Fernstar watched intently as the small Tortoiseshell-and-White apprentice hobbled out into the trees heading towards Thunderclan's camp. Every Skyclan mud coated cat was behind Leafpaw, sneaking through the long grasses past Windclan and entering the thick undergrowth of Thunderclan. "Leafpaw!" She called out in a hoarse whisper.

"Yes, Fernstar?"

"Remember the plan?"

"Of course Fernstar." Leafpaw trembled in fear. Amberleaf padded up next to Fernstar,

"What plan?" Amberleaf asked. Fernstar gazed at her sister,

"We are using Leafpaw as a trap to attack Thunderclan."

"What!" Amberleaf screeched.

"Shhh!" Fernstar growled. "We don't want a patrol to find us."

"Bu-but, Why use my daughter as a trap? What if that Thunderclan patrol decides to hurt Leafpaw more!" Amberleaf snapped quietly.

"Then we just have to hope that doesn't happen." Fernstar turned her head towards the group of Skyclan.

"Skyclan, follow me." Fernstar waved her tail, beckoning them to follow.

The forest was silently alive with swarming pelts diving around brambles. Dusk was settling in making an eerie glow, with beams of pink, orange, and yellow rays flowed through the trees, creating a pattern of dappled light strewn across the ground.

Fernstar led them through the undergrowth until they came to a small clearing. She could hear the murmurs of sleepy Thunderclan cats as they settled into their nests.


Leafpaw nodded. She limped over to a grassy spot and settled down, faking a cry of pain.

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