Chapter 8

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Silverkit up top!

"Surgekit, gimme that! I was playing with it!" Silverkit hissed.

"Not anymore you're not."Surgekit smirked, "Puny."

Without warning, Silverkit leaped onto Surgekit and bit his ear making him release the moss ball as it rolled onto the soft soil.

"Hey! Wha-" Before Surgekit could say anymore she got off him and snatched the moss ball in her jaws.

"Who's puny now?" Silverkit smirked, holding her tail high and padded away leaving Surgekit on the muddy ground.

"I'll show her one day." Surgekit hissed at himself.

"Kits! Time to come inside!" Fernstar ordered.

Surgekit got up, trying the lick the sticky muddy grit of his pelt. He watched as Silverkit, her tail still sticking up, Sparkkit, Willowkit, Sunkit, and Snowkit walk towards the nursery. The unnamed black She-kit was already inside, as she was in the nursery all the time. Surgekit didn't understand why his mother didn't name her yet. I think Mother and Father should name her Punykit. He thought as he trailed to the nest.

The Skyclan leader's kits were almost a moon old already and the black she-kit hadn't even opened her eyes yet. Surgekit and his other littermates were always wrestling around while she just stayed in the nest with Fernstar.

As he climbed into the soft moss nest, Surgekit nudged his puny sister. "Open your eyes already Punykit!"

His mother glared at him. "Surgekit! Don't call your sister Punykit. That's not her name!"

"Well she doesn't have another name so I might as well."' He countered.

Fernstar sighed. "I will name her when her eyes open."

"And when will that be?" Surgekit was starting to have fun arguing with his mother like that.

"When she's ready. Now stop picking fights and go to sleep!"

When she's ready. His mother's voice echoed in Surgekit's mind as he plopped down into the nest beside Sunkit. Whatever. He thought. I'm still calling her Punykit.

* * *

She'll be ready soon! Fernstar told herself. Please, Starclan. Let her open her eyes and see the world! She prayed. She turned back to the tiny black she-kit. Suddenly, the tip of the ske-kit's eye twitched.

Fernstar sucked in a breath and waited. Her other kits were asleep, thank Starclan, so she didn't have to worry about them. Could this be it? Come on, little one, stretch them open! She silently encouraged her kit. She drew her tail gently across the kit's back, egging her on.

The she-kit's mouth opened wide in a yawn, her sharp, tiny white teeth showing. As she yawned, her eyes started to twitch more until they opened completely.

The black she-kit gazed at her mother with blurry unfocused eyes. She blinked and the blur disappeared, leaving two amber eyes. They were so bright amber, they seemed to be burning. Surgekit had amber eyes but not nearly as amber as these.

"Wow!" Fernstar whispered.

The ivy in the entrance to the nursery shifted and Reedthicket padded in with a small rabbit in his jaws. The black she-kit turned to him and he dropped the rabbit. "Is there an ember burning in her eye?" He joked. "Those are some bright amber eyes!"

Fernstar nodded. "She just opened them right before you walked in."

"Sorry I missed it. Well, what should we name her then?"

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