Chapter 11

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Three moons had passed since Sunpaw and Surgepaw were taken to Thunderclan. Fernstar had told the truth about the two apprentices to the rest of the clan. Life had gone on as normal except that Fernstar wouldn't allow any of her kits to go to the gatherings.


Sparkpaw jumped. "Ready for what again?"She asked her mentor.

"Your final assessment." Plumwillow purred.

"Oh, yeah!" Sparkpaw mewed excitedly. "Where are the others?"

"They've already gone while you were here daydreaming."

"Oh. Sorry." Sparkpaw whispered sheepishly.

"It's okay. Come one!" Plumwillow mewed.

Sparkpaw followed her mentor to a clearing in the woods. "So do I just have to show you my skills?"

"Sort of. You have until Sunset to catch as much prey as you can. I will be watching you, but you won't know I'm there."

Sparkpaw nodded.

"Ready? Go!"

Sparkpaw took off. She trotted lightly through the woods until her nose caught the scent of a squirrel. Looking up she saw it perched on a tree. Remembering her lessons about the best ways to catch squirrels, she climbed a tree near the squirrel's and scooted out onto a branch that was somewhat above the squirrel. Bunching her muscles, she sprang down, catching the animal in her teeth as she fell to the ground.

After making sure it was dead, she scraped ground over it before continuing.

By the time she could see the red streaks of the sunset through the trees, she had caught four squirrels, a blackbird, 5 mice, and a rabbit. She collected her prey and, struggling, she brought it back to camp.

Sparkpaw dumped her catches in the fresh-kill pile and turned to find her littermates. Right then, she heard her mother's voice ring around the camp.

"Let all cats old enough to climb trees, gather for a clan meeting."

She turned around and sat in the crowd that had gathered. Snowpaw, Emberpaw, Silverpaw, and Willowpaw sat down next to her.

"The time has come for four of my daughters to receive their warrior names! Snowpaw, Willowpaw, Sparkpaw, and Silverpaw please come forward. I, Fernstar, call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on these four apprentices. They have trained hard to learn your noble code and I commend them as warriors in their turn. Do you promis to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend this clan even at the cost of your life?"

"I do!" The she-cats yowled.

"Then by the powers of starclan, I give you your warror names. Snowpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Snowfoot. Starclan honors your quick thinking and swiftness in your paws. Willowpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Willowsong. Starclan honors your kindness and strength. Silverpaw, from this moment on, you shall be known as Silverspirit. Starclan honors your good heart and your courage. And finally, Sparkpaw. From this moment on, you will be known as Sparkfire. Starclan honors your battle skills and the fire in your soul. We welcome you as a full warrior of Skyclan!"

All three of the newly named warriors' eyes shown with happiness.

"Sparkfire, Silverspirt, Willowsong, Snowfoot!"

Sparkfire raised her sparkling green eyes to the stars as her clanmates called her name. She was a warrior!

Sparkfire's at the top! Sorry that chapter was so short!

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