Chapter 3

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Fernstar drowsily lifted her head from the cool stone. She blinked and turned to her medicine cat, realization flowing through her. She sprang up with an excited glint in her eyes, "I got my lives, Amberleaf!"

Amberleaf purred, "I know, I was there."

"You were?"

"Yes. I was sitting with Frostkit once he returned from giving you a life."

Fernstar nodded. She opened her mouth to tell her sister about what getting the lives felt like, but was stopped by the raise of Amberleaf's tail.

"You must not speak of what happened. It is meant to be kept a secret. A secret me and you share."

"But you don't know what happened. I thought you would want to know." Fernstar cocked her head.

"I do want to know, but I'm resisting the urge because Starclan would not be happy." With that, Amberleaf turned and leaped out of the hollow.

Fernstar followed, pondering about the lives she had been given. Let's see...There was Courage from Skyheart, Honesty from Firestar, Discipline from Cherrystar, Bravery from Blazestar, Patience from Cherrytail, Judgement of Character from Frostkit, Farsightedness from Leafstar, Wisdom from Fidgetfoot, and one more...Oh, right. Motherly love from Brightsky. Suddenly, a question came into her head. She dashed down the slope, catching up with Amberleaf. "When I received the life of Motherly Love, I felt fire surge through-"

"I told you, we can't talk about it!" Amberleaf sighed.

"I know, but I have a question."

"Fine. Go on then."

Fernstar cleared her throat, "Well, I felt fire surge through me and I was wondering if you felt love so strongly with your kits."

Amberleaf immediately nodded, "Oh yes. A mother's love for her kits is practically the strongest love there is. Why do you ask?"

"Oh. No reason. I was just wondering." Avoiding Amberleaf's gaze, she scrambled on, reaching the moor. She wished she could tell her the truth, but she didn't feel ready yet. She felt suddenly lost. I've been Reedthicket's mate for so long now, but I still don't have kits...

Trying to push the thought away, Fernstar shook her head and plodded on.

Amberleaf caught up to her and the sister's trekked in silence. Fernstar could tell that Amberleaf was trying hard to speak what was on her mind.

Finally, after a few more moments, Amberleaf couldn't take it any more. "You want kits now don't you?" She blurted out.

Fernstar avoided eye contact, "I never said that..."

"Oh come on. It's pretty obvious to me."

"Okay, fine. Yes. I do. But I feel like I can't have any right now with the new leadership, figuring out territory..." She trailed off.

Amberleaf rested her tail tip on Fernstar's shoulder. "I know how you feel, Fernstar, but just remember, you have a deputy and a medicine cat to bear some of the weight."

The sun was halfway to sunhigh by the time Fernstar and Amberleaf made it back to camp. They were welcomed with cheers.

"Fernstar! Fernstar! Fernstar!"

Fernstar dipped her head in gratitude before stumbling off to her nest, exhaustion coming over her. But before she could reach her bedding, Fallowfern stumbled up to her.

"Fernstar! You'll never believe what I found out while you were gone!" The pale ginger she-cat gasped in excitement.

"What?" Fernstar mewed groggily.

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