Chapter 7

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Fernstar looked down on her clanmates. It had been two moons since they moved into their new camp. Pride surged through her as she thought about how her clanmates workes so hard together to set up camp. Since they had settled, reports of badgers had been made to her and now they were getting ready to battle them.

"When are we heading out?" Finsplash called from below her.

"Tomorrow at dawn. We're going to surprise attack them!" She answered.

Cheers erupted around the clearing. Fernstar gazed past to see four pairs of eyes staring out of the cave. It had been Fallowfern's idea to ambush the badgers. She only wanted to protect her kits, who had been born a few sunrises ago.

Fallowfern padded out from the shadows. Three kits followed her, their stubby tails in the air. "Surely you're not though?"

"I'm not what?" Fernstar answered. There was a sudden silence.

"Fighting! You shouldn't fight." Fallowfern tipped her head, concern showing through her eyes.

"Why wouldn't I want to fight?" Fernstar felt worry dig into her belly.

Fallowfern widened her eyes. "You don't know?"

Fernstar stared at her. "Don't know what?"

"Oh, dear Starclan!" Fallowfern licked her chest.

"That's not a very clear answer!" Frustration surged through her. She eyed her clanmates. What are they hiding from me? Every one of them had their head down except Reedthicket. She glanced at him but he only shrugged. "Someone answer me." She pleaded.

Meadowlark glanced up, "You shouldn't fight because you don't want to harm the kits." The silver tabby whispered.

The world seemed to stop. She already knew the answer but didn't want to, "Kits? What kits?"

"Your kits, Fernstar." Cloudmist piped up.

"M-my kits?"

Amberleaf nodded. "We thought you knew."

Fernstar shook her head and slid down from the Tall Rock. She plodded over to her mate. "Our kits!" She whispered. Finally!

"Wait a moment!" A tiny voice exclaimed.

Fernstar purred in amusement. "Yes, dear?"

A cream colored tabby she-kit bounded up to her. "Does that mean we'll finally have friends to play with?" Her brother came up behind her, his eyes shining.

"Of course, Dawnkit. But you have to wait until they're old enough."

Dawnkit's brother Owlkit bounced around in excitement. Fernstar glanced around for the kits' sister, Eaglekit. She spotted her sitting next to her mother. Of course, there's always a shy one! She inwardly purred.

"Kits! It's time for your nap. Now leave Fernstar in peace!" Fallowfern scolded gently.

Dawnkit and Owlkit bounded away. "So full of energy at only two sunrises old!" Fernstar whispered to herself.

"So were you!" A cat snorted behind her.

Fernstar whirled around to see Cloudmist walking away, her tail waving happily. The Skyclan leader padded towards her sister. "How far along am I?" She mewed.

Amberleaf glanced up, "Over a moon."

"What?" Fernstar gaped at the medicine cat. "How have I not noticed?"

Amberleaf shrugged sympathetically. "Have you ever felt like you've been weighed down recently? Maybe slower than the rest of your patrol?"

Fernstar cocked her head to the side, thinking. "I guess. Mainly I've just been feeling hungrier than usual. But I thought that was just because of the season change."

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