Ultimate Goal

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"Get in the car!" A huffy Daesung snaps at me.
"Make me!" I snap back, a little more forcefully than I mean to.
Daesung jumps a little before climbing back out of his car and stomping his way up to me. I take a couple steps back, and he reaches me and grabs my arm.
"Noooooo! Kidnapper! Kidnapper!"
I yell wrapping one arm and one leg around a post near my door.
"You're going if I have to drag your ass the whole way!" He grunts trying to pry me away.
"I don't need rehab! I'll be good I promise!" I struggle until Dae falls on his butt.
I wrap the rest of myself around the post, and Daesung just looks up at me and sighs.
"Look Ri...I know you don't need it, but court says you have to go. So it's either go, or violate your probation. Which means jail."
I slump my shoulders. Defeat eating at my resolve. I know he's right, but damn it I don't have to be happy about it.

I unwrap myself and turn to give Dae a hand up. He takes it and hops up. He walks ahead and opens the car door gesturing me inside. I climb in and cross my arms. I let my head fall back against the seat and growl. I can only imagine what I'm going to encounter when I get there. A sea of press, fans, people that love me, people that hate me, and who knows what else as soon as I get there. Dae gets in and starts up his car. After his accident I can't believe he still drives at all. That accident broke him, and he still gets a sad look in his eye if you talk to him about it. The man that lost his life that night haunts his memory I'm sure. I'm so thankful that at least in my accident the only real damage is to my reputation. Daesung finally got his famous smile back, but it was so hard on him.

"Dae," I say with a small shake in my voice.
I take a breath, "How did you get through it? The accident...I know you had a hard time."
He gives a half smile to the windshield, "Who said I did?"
I shrug and look over at him.
"You seem to have it together. I mean...I don't know."
He just keeps staring at the road.
"Ri, I'll never be over what happened that night. I get by, but once in awhile...it hits me all over again. Just be glad that you only hit a guardrail."
I actually chuckle about it, "And my thick head on the steering wheel."

Daesung and I arrive at a clinic where my rehab is taking place. Thank God it's so early in the morning. The place isn't crawling with fans and press, but I see a few milling around. I look over the obvious fans first. They're so cute. They're holding signs and stuffed pandas. I guess no matter what they'll find a way to find me. YG kept the location pretty well under wraps, but you can't stop our VIP's. It gets crazy sometimes, but most of these fans are our angels.

Daesung notices the small crowd and turns down a side street. It's pretty dark, considering the sun is barely up and the street is walled by tall buildings.
"Dae where you goin'?"
He's looking hard for something. His tiny eyes almost disappearing as he squints.
"There's a pretty well hidden side entrance. I'm supposed to drop you off there."
I should have expected YG to prepare and take precautions. It's not like scandal is new to the company.

We find the fairly hard to find door, and I try to squeeze out of the car. This tiny road is barely an alley and I'm doing my best not to scrape the door on the brick wall opposite. I suck it in, and slide out with a huff. I scoot around the car to the other side and Daesung opens the clinic door for me.

The hall is bright! So bright I almost need sunglasses. To much white and fluorescent lighting for one place. I blink and adjust my eyes. We're met by a young man in a crisp looking uniform.
"Good morning! I'm Jae, please follow me, and we'll go meet your councillor."
I only slightly roll my eyes,"Aren't you a bit to chipper this early in the morning?"
He gives me a bright smile and a bow.
"I'm a naturally happy person. Please follow me."
He starts to lead me away, and Daesung tugs my sleeve,"I'll get going. I'll be here to pick you up in about an hour. Just text me when you're done."
I give him a short nod and turn to follow the overly happy, I assume assistant, down the hall.

He stops in front of a door. Pointing to a basket on the wall,"Please turn off your cell phone and place it in the basket."
My jaw drops,"No way."
Jae gives me a grin,"Sorry sir, that's the rules."
I stare him down for a moment. He gives me this, excited puppy face.
"Fine," I huff out. I turn off my phone, and with a fond glance gently place it in the basket.

Jae knocks and opens the door...

This room is a sharp contrast to the stark and bright hallway of this clinic

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This room is a sharp contrast to the stark and bright hallway of this clinic. I walk in behind Jae. At least this office is welcoming. The smell of cinnamon and coffee wafts over me. Why does this room smell like Christmas morning? The walls are filled to bursting with books. There are western titles and Asian titles all along the rows. The large floor to ceiling window shows a tiny bit of nature in this big city. One lonely little tree peeks in at me behind the desk of whom I assume is my new councillor. My eyes land on the lady behind the desk. She's sipping from her steaming mug that's doing an excellent job of fogging her glasses for her. Thumbing through a book before she looks up to greet us both.

"Kathy, this is your new patient Lee Seung Hyun," Jae says with a bow and quickly scurries out.
She gives me a warm smile that reaches her brown eyes and extends a hand to me.
"Nice to meet you I'm Kathy."
I have to smile back at least a little and shake her warm hand. She's to pleasant to be completely rude to.

Kathy gestures for me to have a seat.
"Would you like some coffee?"
"No thank you I'm fine," I say lowering myself into a squishy chair facing her desk.
She refills her own mug and drops a touch of sugar in before settling into her desk chair. She takes a sip, then seems to study me for a moment. Satisfied, I suppose, she gives a slight nod.
"Why are you here?"
I blink at her for a moment, then reply,"Ummm...don't you know?"
She chuckles a little and brushes a brown curl from her forehead.
"Yes I do, but I want to know why YOU think you're here."

I ponder a moment. What in Hell is she wanting me to say? I mean, I know I'm here because court thinks I should be. I tilt my head like a confused puppy.
"Because I don't want to go to jail?"
She smiles and I notice the laugh lines etched near her eyes.
"Is that all?"
I'm at a loss, "Isn't that enough?"
She chuckles again,"Not hardly. How about we start by introducing ourselves properly? I'll ask you three questions and you ask me three questions. Deal?"
I nod and lean back in the squishy chair, "Deal."
"Ok I'll start," She takes a sip of coffee then sets it down,"Do you want to be called Seung Hyun or Seungri?"
My eyebrows shoot up,"So you do know me? Seungri or Ri is easier to say. Either is fine."
She leans forward a little,"I've lived in Korea for almost three decades, and have a daughter in her twenties. I know who you are, and admire your work. Now, next question...what's your favorite thing in life?"
I smirk,"To easy, fun."
"I see," she sips more coffee,"what is your ultimate goal?"
I'm not sure I can answer that. I'm not sure what that goal is. My career has been great, until now. I have all the women I could want. I'm rich, and want for nothing. What's left?
"I'm not sure at the moment."
She nods,"Fair enough, but decide quickly. Take it from me time marches by fast."
I nod,"My turn. You're obviously American by your accent, so why are you in Korea?"
She gives a wicked smile,"I was abducted by aliens and dropped here."
I laugh for the first time in a week.
She smiles,"My ex husband is Korean. I moved here with him."
I think of another one,"How old are you?"
She fakes a gasp,"Young man you never ask a woman that! I'm twenty nine and holding!"
I raise an eyebrow at her, "I answered yours."
She sighs,"Fine, I'm forty seven. Your last question better be a nice one."
I give her a naughty smirk,"Who's your favorite BIGBANG member?"
She laughs,"I'm a grown ass forty seven year old woman. What makes you think I would have a favorite BIGBANG member?"
"Because you know who I am, so you're probably a fan. Who is it?"
She looks at me and narrows her eyes, "GD."
"Of course it is."
She laughs and we move on.

We chit chat for just a bit and the session is over. I leave feeling kinda like I just visited my favorite aunt instead of going to therapy. Maybe this won't be so bad. Maybe everything can work out...

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