Come Together

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"Laurel, you need the rest. Please." I ask for the tenth time. Laurel looks dead on her feet. I know she's exhausted, because I am too. She looks up from her seat beside Kathy.
She gives me a weak smile, "I'm alright Ri. You go on. You need rest too."
I blow out a frustrated breath, and run my fingers through my hair. I know she doesn't want to leave her mother here alone. I don't want to either, but if I don't get her out of here she's going to drop. We've been here all night long. Kathy's heart rate was crazy high. It's finally down after a few hours on some sort of IV meds. They have her resting well and breathing normally. If I could just convince Laurel her mom will be fine for a few hours so she can rest...

I start pacing. There has to be some way to get her out of here. If Kathy was awake she could help me. Of course, if Kathy was awake and happy, Laurel wouldn't be to worried to even leave for a shower.
"Hey!" The lightbulb comes on, and I yell louder than I mean to. Laurel jumps and gives me a frown.
"You're going to wake Eomma!" She whisper yells to me.
"Oops," I whisper back,"Sorry, I'm going out for a minute to make a call. I'll be back Ok?"
She nods and drops her head on her arms folded on the hospital bed. I lean over and kiss her hair before I creep out.

I take in the air outside. It's still so cold, but it wakes me up. I take out my phone, and dial the one person I know could distract Kathy enough to kick everyone else out...
"Ji, it's me, I need a favor."
"I knew it was you Pabo. I saw your name. What do you need?"
I smile to myself, "I need a diversion."
I hear the sleep in his voice as he stretches awake, "You need a what?"
"I need you to come to the hospital and distract Kathy."
"Hospital," I hear him wake up with that one, "why the hospital is she alright?"
I smile to myself. I'm grateful that he cares about who I care about.
"She is resting, but it was a tough night."
I explain to him about what happened, and her former lung cancer. How her heart was fast, and there were tests to see why.
"So Laurel and I have been here all night. I'm trying to get her to go home and rest. I was thinking if you came to keep Kathy company for a bit, then Kathy and I could convince her to go home for a little while." I sigh, "Do you think you could come?"
"I'll find a way. I'm pretty busy today, but I'll call my manager. Kathy's my friend now too. I want to make sure she's ok."
Relief washes over me, "Thank you Ji. I really appreciate this."
I hear him moving around, "No problem, like I said, she's my friend now too."
We work out when he will come by and hang up. I feel a little lighter now. I can put my trust in Ji. He'll watch over her while I watch over Laurel. Who would've thought that my huge mistake would lead me to not one, but two, women? Kathy, my other mother, and truly a shelter and confidant. Laurel, someone beautiful inside and out, who I could easily fall in love with. Maybe I already am? No, no, fast...I shake the thought from my head and trot back to the hospital door.

I come back inside to find my two ladies still in the same position I left them in. Kathy still snoozing, and Laurel sleeping in her chair all slumped over on the bed. I chuckle to myself. They are both so tired. I can't do much for Kathy, but wait. So I will just have to do what I can for Laurel. I have a seat on the other side of the bed, let my head fall back, and am soon joining them in sleep.

"Ri, Ri," I wake up to Kathy gently shaking my hand.
I stretch a bit, "Hmm?"
She gives me a gentle squeeze of the hand, "Your phone was ringing Sweetie."
I pop one eye open,"How are you feeling?"
She smiles, "Like I could kill for a cup of coffee."
I glance over at Laurel, also stretching awake. My phone starts ringing again, and I see it's Ji. I hop up, startling them both, and excuse myself.

I answer my phone in the hallway, "Hey are you here?"
"Yeah, I'm on my way up. What room?"
I have an idea, "Meet me in the cafeteria. Kathy wants coffee."
We both hang up and find each other. I get coffee for each of us and we make our way to Kathy's room. Ji Yong has a mask and such on. It wouldn't be very good to be recognized here. We certainly do not need another scandal. Something like, "GDRAGON SEEN AT HOSPITAL: TRAGIC ILLNESS?"

I give Ji the coffee, gently knock on the door, and push it open. Laurel and Kathy are chatting closely. I clear my throat a bit to catch their attention.
"Ahem," they look up, "ladies I found coffee delivery for us."
Ji Yong comes in carrying the drink carrier with his gummy smile. The two giggle like little girls when Ji hands each of them a coffee with a bow.
"Annyeong Kathy, how are you feeling?"
She rolls her eyes a bit, "I'm fine. Just really embarrassed for you to see me like this."
Ji Yong takes her hand and gives it a squeeze, "Just get better. I can't let my friend be sick."
She giggles and blushes with a nod and a sip of coffee.
"Aish, I'll never win," I roll my eyes and wink at Laurel. She comes to me and laces her arm around my waist.
"You're my favorite," she smiles up at me and I kiss her forehead.
"Ji, could you keep the patient company for a bit? I'm going to get this girl home, and make her rest."
He beams at Kathy, "I would love to."
"I can't leave Eomma. What if she needs me?" Laurel frowns.
Kathy huffs, "Girl, I have coffee, and Kwon Ji Yong with me. This is my heaven on Earth, now go. Ji Yong and I have plenty to talk about. If he sings to me you'll have to call my nurse though, my heart won't take it." She winks at Ji.
Ji blushes this time, which doesn't take much really, and I coax Laurel out of the room.

Outside and into a cab, I pull Laurel close to me and lay her head on my shoulder. Her contented sigh makes me melt, and I smile. The car ride is over to soon for me when we get to her apartment. I see her to her door, and she unlocks it. When she turns around I lean in to kiss her goodbye...
"No," she places a finger on my lips, "don't kiss me goodbye yet. Stay with me."
She wraps her arms around my neck, and kisses me. A kiss that promises something more, if I'm willing. She presses her body to mine, and I instantly heat up. I want her. I want her badly.
I break the kiss to ask her,"Are you sure? You're pretty upset right now, and I'm sure you're tired."
She whispers against my lips,"I'm very sure. I want you, and the way you've been there for me during this is the sexiest thing I've ever seen. I've never been more sure."
I reach behind her and open the door. She smiles and let's go of me to lead me by the hand. I shut the door behind me, and let myself be lead. We go to her room, and as she shuts the door and turns to kiss me...I have one last thought....

This woman holds my heart in her hand....I'm done for.

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