Rin Or Ren?

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"Rin Kuromasa. Nice to meet you Tsugumi-san." I stated and bowed like a guy. I was raised by my dad so im not sure why girls bow differently than guys. Its weird. "I hope i can make you proud to be my manager." She still looked shocked.
"Are you sure your Ren?"
"My father was the one who submitted my application for me and wrote everything for me and he misspelled my name. Im sorry for that, Tsugumi-san." I bowed again. "I will answer to either though so dont feel bad if you get it wrong for a while."
"So you are the trap idol then, right?"
"Thats correct. I look like a guy when my hair is up so i had a lot of guys and girls after me at school. I still dont know why though." She then told me that she was also the manager for another group as well.
"So i might not be able to work with you everyday. I appologise in advanced." She bowed and im now confused on why she bowed like she did. She then led me to a practice room.
"And since you and the guys will be sharing me as a manager, i think you should meet them." She then opened the door and i saw seven guys work on dancing for a new song. I think.
"Break time!" She announced.
"Can we get something to eat now?" The tallest asked.
"Not yet Tamaki."
"Let us get some lunch!" Everyone wasnt happy with Tsugumi-san.
"Not yet because i have someone for you guys to meet!" I was then noticed and the blond tried to hit on me. He grabbed my hands and i hit him in the head.
"Seems like she got a similer greeting as Manager." The red head stated.
"It just ended differently."
"Im sorry. But i dont like it when someone hits on me when they first meet me." i stated and they were a bit surprised by my dialect. My dad was from a really formal part of japan so my dad tought me that dialect.
"You didnt have to hit me, my princess..." He was now pouting.
"Can you introduce yourself or no?"
"Im Rin Kuromasa. You can call me Rin or Ren. I will respond to both." I stated and Tsugumi-san kept me from my habit. Its a habit from home that my dad taught me to show my respect and to gain respect.
"Shes a bit too formal..." The white haired one stated. I then learned their names and i repeated them all after they were done.
"The red head is Nanase Riku. The eldest is the older brother of the group, Nikaido Yamato. The blond is Rokuya Nagi. The taller and younger brother is Izumi Iori. The smaller older brother is Izumi Mitsuki, the quiet Silver haired guy is Osaka Sogo. And finally the Tallest and youngest of the bunch is Yotsuba Tamaki. Correct?"
"She got all of our names right perfectly the first time around." Sogo stated in shock.
"I remember names from either hair color, face shape, haircut, glasses shape, eye color, outfits, or hieght." I stated and the back of my neck began to itch from my hair being on it so i pulled my hair up and now i look like a guy. And then Nagi came up to me, grabbed my chin and began to look impressed.
"You really look like a guy now my princess."
"I would apreciate it if you gave me some space nagi-san." I stated and he backed off knowing i would hit him if i didnt.
"How old is she anyway?"
"Shes 15." I smiled. I look like im at least Nagi-sans age.
"She looks older." Tamaki stated and sogo smacked him.
"Be nice Tamaki-kun."
"Is it normal for people to fight over silly things in this part of Japan?" I asked a bit confused.
"Isnt it normal everywhere?" Mitsuki-san asked.
"Im from a business dedicated part of Japan. Barely any families were there so they didnt put a school there so i was homeschooled so this is the first time ive been out of my home and im learning a lot."
"How can anyone not go anywhere and still not be pale?" Riku asked.
"My mom was a naturally tan person so i got that from her."
After a while, we went to get lunch. And so far, they are all really nice.
When we go back Tsugumi-san asked what kind of songs i wanted to sing.
"It helps to know what you like to sing so we know what to write to go with you voice type."
"Upbeat songs that are fun to sing. If its not fast paced or fun to sing, i will not sing it at all."
"I guess that doesnt leave many options. I bet the composers will be able to write something for you."
"And the more lower keys, the better. When i sing, my voice cant go that high."
"And do you have a phone? If so, we need your phone number. If you dont have one, the agency can provide you with one."
"I do have a phone. My dad got me it so he can remind me about things and for emergencies and for this if i did get accepted." I stated as i wrote it down and handed it to her.
When i got home, my dad asked how my first day went.
"It went well, father. Im glad we chose that agency. The people are nice there."
"Im glad your happy working for them."
"And since my manager is also another groups manager, i get to be mentored by he other group she runs as well!"
"I guess that gives you an edge to your future competition!"
"Yup!" I then went to my room and took a nap. Its been a long fun day and i need it. I hope everyday is as fun as it was today!

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