Valentines Day Special!

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"So-chan!" I heard Tamaki whine as he followed around the other half of mezzo.
"No. Do so on your own." Tamaki then grabbed his arm and began go drag him.
"Too bad." Tamaki has been ignorring my existance for the past month. Im doing a valentines day concert today and i need someone else to perform with me and ive been trying to ask Tamaki to but hes been ignorring me... And i found a song in my song book that involves a lot of moving and vocals. I stood up, went up to tamaki and grabbed the hood of his coat.
"Your not ignorring me today."
"Let go of my hood rin!" I had him at an awkward angle.
"First of all, ive been trying to tell you that today im doing a valentines day concert all month but you been ignorring me all month long!"
"You heard me. Welp. Dont even bother buying a ticket then." I let him go and went to find tsugumi.
When i found her, she asked what i needed.
"Can you cancel my concert tonight?" I asked.
"Why? Did something happen?"
"I found a different song but i wont have time to get it ready in time." I stated.
"Why are you suddenly changing the song?"
"Tamaki ignored me all month and he hasnt even heard about the concert until today because of that." She began to laugh a bit.
"I told him and gave him his parts the day you decided what song in case your scheduals dont have the same free times. He was probably trying to figure it out before today." I feel bad now... "And the designer made the outfits but didnt listen when i said you would also be needing something like what tamaki would wear for a male..." Im now wondering what was made. "Want to still see it?" I nodded and she led me to where i was and it was a dress that would be easy to move in.
When i got to the performance hall, i was bombarded with girls asking if i was really performing with Tamaki.
"Yup. Not sure if he will show though... But even if he doesnt, i will make sure you all leave with smiles on your faces." I said with a smile. They squealed and asked for pictures and my arm was grabbed and i was pulled to the changing rooms. I saw that it was tamaki and when i tried to hug him he put a hand on my face.
"And what do you owe me?"
"Im sorry for getting mad! I thought you didnt know and that you were mad at me for something and you were ignorring me. I will get you some pudding to make up for it." He pat my had and hugged me. I then got changed and he did as well and me took our positions. On stage. And shocked gasps were heard and then chearing. A lot of the girls had brought either their boyfriends or their brothers.
"Hows your Valentines day coming along everyone?!" I asked and cheers. "Thats good to hear! Though its time to get out of my boyish attire to perform as Rin instead of Ren! And my very special guest from IDOLiSH7, Tamaki! Lets all welcome him!" More cheers and claps. "Hope you enjoy the song everyone!" We got into position to perform and the music started.

(This cover with...)

(This dance and...)

(These outfits minus the fans those in the picture hold)

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(These outfits minus the fans those in the picture hold)

When we finished, chearing was heard and after we were changed again, the guys that game with their sisters or girlfriends surrounded me.
"Your really adourable!"
"Please date me!"
"Your crowding! Give her space!" And Tamaki was fed up. He hugged me.
"Too bad. Shes mine. So leave her be..." Tamaki stated. And squeals from the fangirls and pictures.
"Can you two kiss for the camera?"
"This has to be made public!"
"You guys are adourable together!!!"
"One picture of you two kissing? Please?!"
"Shut up about that! Lets go Rin..." He began to drag me away from the crowd.
When we got home, i was called from the kitchen by mitsuki and sogo.
"Whatcha need?"
"Help us with this please!" I saw they were making a cake.
"Why the cake?"
"Yamatos birthday is today. Didnt you know?" I shook my head.
"Not till now. Where is he?"
"Nagi is keeping him busy currently. They should be back soon though."
"Tell me what i need to do!"
"Can you make the icing? We got the stuff to make it."
"Say no more." I was handed a bowl with the stuff in it. I took it out and began to make the icing as they took a few cake pans out of the oven and they turned it off and when i was done with the icing, i helped frost the cake and decorated it as tamaki licked the extra cake batter from the spoon.
When it was done, i took the spoon from tamaki and licked some of the batter off.
"Give it back! I had it first!"
"Sharing is caring!"
"You snooze you lose!"
"Same to you!"
"Those two really do act like kids..." Mitsuki stated.
"We are kids!" We both stated in sync. They chuckled. I got the spoon.
"And wheres Riku and Iori?"
"Those two are having a little date." Mitsuki stated.
"Send me pictures. Thats all i ask." I told mitsuki.
"Alright. Not sure a kid should witness it though."
"I may have been a shut in music geek most my life but i had the internet." I stated and used my foot to keep Tamaki from the spoon.
When everyone was home along with tsugumi-san, Takanashi-san, and Banri-san, and after dinner, we pulled out the cake. He was looked down and pushed his glasses up.
"Who made it all?" He asked, sounding pissed. Me, mitsuki and sogo hesitantly rose our hands. He hugged us all. "You didnt have to make it that extravagant!" He told us in a joking mannor. He really is like an older brother.

(And here you go! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY YAMATO! Hes the IDOLiSH7 Valentine boy! Send him on a valentine to other fans to wish him a happy birth day and a happy valentines day! And sorry its getting out so late.... And yeah! This is not appart of the story line. It is just a special. And sorry its out a day late...)

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