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It's coming...

Whatever was out there, it was coming for me.

A dark and tall shadow emerged from the darkness and smiled crookedly at meI gasped in horror and ran away, but soon enough, I felt its shadows wrapping around me before suspending me into the air.

"Someone please save me!" I choked out, tears pouring down to my cheeks.


All of a sudden, I heard a sharp, slashing sound. I opened my eyes and I saw the creature howl in pain as an unknown force slashed it.

With one final grunt, the shadow collapsed and released me from its grip.

Now free from its grasp, I coughed violently and gasped; desperately trying to catch my breath.

After recovering, I notice a figure standing a few feet away from me. It has mismatched eyes, blood red and yellow-orange, they were glowing psychotically.


The figure smiled menacingly and in a blink of an eye, he swung his dagger at me.


My eyes snapped open and I quickly sat up with a loud shout. Sweat dripped from my forehead as I panted and my heart was rapidly racing.

A nightmare...?

I sighed deeply and ran my fingers through my messy hair.

He did save me but...

My bedroom door swung open as my Mom and Dad barged into my room. Mom held a pan whilst Dad had a pistol.

"What's wrong Tetsuya?! An intruder?!" Dad asked as he marched into my bedroom, in search of any danger.

"What happened dear?" Mom frowned, hurriedly making her way to my bed to examine me.

"It was nothing, Mom, Dad. It was just a nightmare." I laughed lightly.

They both looked at each other and sighed in relief. Dad lowered his pistol and stood before the edge of my bed.

"Sorry for overreacting, we just can't let anything happen to you again." Dad sighed, taking a seat beside Mom.

I smiled lightly and lowered my head.

"I'm really sorry for making you both worry..."

"Dear, look at us." 

I lifted my head and saw them smiling lovingly at me.

"It's alright honey. It wasn't anyone's fault, so don't worry your pretty little head about it, okay?" Mom beamed, pulling me into a warm hug.

"Your mother is right, Tetsuya," Dad chuckled, joining us in the hug. "As long as we're alive, we promise we'll protect you until the end."

The Other Self | Akakuroaka ✔Where stories live. Discover now