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"A gathering tonight?"

"Yes," Dad nodded whilst his eyes stayed on the newspaper he was holding. "A business night to be specific."

"Why do I have to come as well?" I asked, turning to look at Mom who was smiling widely at me.

"Well, I heard that there would be people around your age at the gathering. So isn't it a nice opportunity to socialize?"

Socializing isn't fun at all, i'd rather drink vanilla milkshakes and read a novel

"I don't think so, Mom." I replied, shaking my head. "Socializing isn't really my thing. Besides, people tend to not notice me."

"Then I'll make sure to introduce you to them!" Mom beamed.

I sighed in defeat and finished my breakfast.

"Fine. I'll go. But you guys owe me a vanilla milkshake."

"I'll buy you three of them if you socialize tonight." Mom bribed and my eyes instantly lit up.


Dad chuckled, folding the newspaper before setting it on the table.

"Too much sweetness is bad for your teeth, Tetsuya."

"It is?" I raised my eyebrow and looked at Dad with a serious face.

"If it really is, then why do you still have all of your teeth despite all of those sweet words that you call Mom? You guys aren't exactly quiet at night, I can hear everything you know?"

Dad's eyes widened and Mom choked on her coffee.

"Tetsuya! You're too straightforward!" he scolded, his face flushed as he rubbed Mom's back.

"I learned from the best." I smiled, shrugging innocently.

Dad mumbled something under his breath and I chuckled softly in amusement.

"Tetsuya, dear." Mom blushed. "I think you should go grab your stuff and wait for Taiga-chan at the living room, you will be late if you keep on teasing your father and I."

"Yes ma'am." I laughed and grabbed my stuffs before heading towards the living room.

Kagami-kun arrived in a few minutes then after saying goodbye to both my parents, but not without teasing them first. We both proceeded outside and began our short walk towards the school.

"Any plans tonight?" Kagami-kun asked.

"Sadly yes,"

"Sadly?" Kagami-kun looked at me and raised his eyebrow. "What are you going to do?"

"Mom and Dad are going to this gathering tonight and they forced me to go with them." I muttered.

"A gathering huh?"


"What kind of gathering? Those normal gathering? Or the luxurious ones?"

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