Bonus Chapter (Part Two)

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Third Person

"Tetsu-chan~ Your father and I will be leaving this afternoon, are you going to be okay by yourself?"

Kuroko looked over at his mom, and refrained from rolling his eyes when he saw the married couple cuddling on the couch.

"Of course I will, Mom." he nodded, ignoring his parents' usual morning routine. "Where are you guys off to?"

"Business meeting, dear." Akiko giggled when Yuuto whispered something on her ear.

"Oh?" Kuroko shrugged it off and resumed reading the book. "With whom? The twins' father?"

"Masaomi-sama? Not really," Yuuto hummed. "The twins said that their father wasn't feeling well, so he won't be available for now."

"He wasn't feeling well huh?" Kuroko muttered before flipping onto the next page. "I wonder how the people will react once they hear the news."


"Are they even going to believe that story that we just made up?" Seiji looked at his driving brother with an amused grin.

"What story?" Seijuro mused. "That Father got killed by an assassin who infiltrated our home last night?"

"That's it~" Seiji goofily smiled. "Come to think of it, have you thought of how shit brows freed that butchered molester?"

"I reckon it's because he's always keeping an eye on us." Seijuro replied with a shrug. "And since you have hidden tunnels throughout our house, there's a possibility that he found one and well, that's it."

"Huh, I guess it's more believable that way since I destroyed a few things on the way down there."

"And because of that, I'm absolutely sure that they'll fall for it." Seijuro chuckled. "Especially about Father's case."

"That is true." Seiji smirked. "That old man is the type of person that you would want to murder in a heartbeat, am I right?"

"I agree." his brother laughed and nodded his head in agreement. "I've been kissing his ass for plenty of years now, thank you for waking me up, Seiji."

"That's disgusting, but it's nothing, Nii-san!" Seiji cheekily grinned. "I'm just glad that the old fart is now officially gone~"

"To be honest, I'm relieved that he actually is." Seijuro genuinely smiled.

"We are finally free now, no more binds, no more restraints. We are free to live with our own decisions now,"

Seijuro sighed in content and reached out to ruffle his brother's hair; instantly receiving a joyful laugh from him.

"That is true, my lovely Nii-san." Seiji grinned and playfully crinkled his nose.

"We're free to do things to Tetsuya as well~"

"Indeed." Seijuro smirked and pulled his hand back. "No more distractions now, since Akiko-san and Yuuto-san said that they'll be out until late at night."

"I honestly love those two." Seiji laughed.

"And so do I,"

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