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"A gathering at the Akashi household on a Saturday night?"

The remaining three of my friends gasped with their mouths wide open in shock.

We were currently seated inside our favorite food chamber; Maji Burger, at a Friday night and I only ordered a vanilla milkshake whilst the others ordered some burgers and fries.

"Yes," I chuckled at their reaction and sipped my milkshake. "Akashi-kun told me to invite you all."

"The Akashi Seijuro?" Aomine-kun frowned. "The redhead who easily overpowered Kagami from back then and well.. your boyfriend?"

"H-Hai." I nodded, a faint blush appearing on my cheeks.

There's Akashi Seijirō as well...

"But Kurokocchi," Kise-kun whispered. "Your boyfriend is honestly a scary person ssu~ Is it really okay for us to come...?"

"It's alright, Kise-kun." I smiled reassuringly. "Akashi-kun is fine with you all anyways,"

"But we're not fine with him."

"Dai-chan!" Momoi-san scolded before looking at me with a questioning look.

"Why is there a gathering, Tetsu-kun?"

"They- I-I mean... Akashi-kun has something to announce." I sheepishly smiled.

That was close...

"And he wanted you all to know about it, so yes, he told me to bring you guys along."

"What's so important about that announcement, anyway?" Aomine-kun grumbled and ate his burger.

"Well, it'll help clear up some things, and hey, there will be foods?" Kuroko smirked.

"Oh hell yeah, I'm in!" Aomine-kun exclaimed.

"I'm going as well ssu~"

"And so am I!" Momoi-san giggled.

Momoi-san seemed to be in a really joyful mood recently. And it turns out, she was in a relationship with our basketball coach; Riko-san.

I smiled and resumed sipping my vanilla milkshake with a contented hum.


Aomine-kun suddenly spoke up, causing the three of us to look at him and saw him holding his phone.

"Did you guys receive Kagami's text?"

"Eh?" Kise-kun raised an eyebrow and quickly pulled out his phone.

"Kagamicchi? E-Eh?"

"Eh?" Momoi-san gasped after seeing the message on her own phone.

"Kagamin's going to America..?"

"Hai.." I whispered. "After he apologized personally to Mom and Dad, he vowed that he will distance himself from us until he finally and sincerely repented for the things that he had done."

The Other Self | Akakuroaka ✔Where stories live. Discover now