Twenty One

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Third Person

"Sei-chan! Sei-chan! This is Akiko! Help us! Our Tetsuya was taken by a large scary person! Please save our son! I'm begging you!"

"Please!" Yuuto cried out. "I don't know what their motive is, but they seem so desperate to have him! I'm positive that they want to hurt Tetsuya!"

Seijiro wanted to say something. But he couldn't utter a single word out.

"Sei-chan! Please say something!"

"Seijuro! You told me that you will protect Tetsuya at all cost! Please!"

"Save him!"


Kuroko's parents were crying on the other line and Seiji was frozen on his spot. Seijuro frowned and tried to take the phone but stopped when his brother's mismatched eyes glared at him.

"Seiji? Did Kuroko broke up with you or something?" he mumbled.

"Give me details." Seiji ignored his brother and spoke coldly, his hands visibly shaking in anger; nearly crushing his phone. "How was he kidnapped?"

"Kuroko was kidnapped?" Seijuro growled. Seiji nodded in reply and putting his phone on loudspeaker.

"We were waiting for our car to arrive and then this... limousine just pulled over! A limousine! And then all of a sudden, a large guy jumped out and grabbed our Tetsu-chan! Oh god... my poor Tetsu-chan must be so scared..."

Masaomi noticed the two were speaking with someone and used it as an opportunity to alarm them.

"Help m-"

Seiji acted fast and threw his phone at his sibling who swiftly caught it. He used their father's tie to gag him and one look at his twin, Seijuro knew what to do. Seijuro nodded his head in understanding and motioned downstairs, ignoring their father's muffled screaming.

"A limousine?" Seijuro muttered, making his way to his twin's room and into the wardrobe. "Why would a kidnapper use a limousine? Can you describe what the man looks like? The vehicle? Plate number?"

"The man was masked, but he seems to have a built body - probably around Taiga's height. The plate number was unfortunately removed, I'm sorry. But the vehicle's a black traditional limousine," Yuuto answered. "In fact, I believe I've seen it somewhere before."

"Taiga huh..." Seijuro pondered, looking back at Seiji who was carrying their father over his shoulder like he was a feather. "Anyway, a black limousine? Where have you seen it?"

"I... am not quite sure." Yuuto sighed. "But it looks like a wealthy person owns it though! But... a kidnapper using a limousine as a getaway car? What in the world...?"

"I see."

"Oh! Sei-chan!" Akiko suddenly gasped.

"Akiko-san?" Seijuro furrowed his eyebrows, walking down on the flight of stairs.

Seiji went ahead and slumped their father on the chair where he usually ties his victim on.

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