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"Aka-chin~ Are?"

Both the teens looked at the intruder with shock evident in their faces. The newcomer was tall, not just your average tall, but he was so tall that he even surpassed the door frame.

"A-Ano..." Kuroko mumbled awkwardly, still aware of Seijuro's hand on his thigh.

Seijuro cleared his throat and straightened his posture.

"Murasakibara? It is rude not to knock before entering someone's room."

The tall guy, or Murasakibara, who was munching on a maiubo lazily knocked on the door.

"I knocked a few times, but Aka-chin didn't answered."

"But still." Seijuro sighed, rubbing his temple before looking seriously at Murasakibara. "Next time, wait for my permission, is that clear?"


"Alright then," Seijuro nodded as he got up. "Is there any particular reason why you're in my mansion right now?"

Murasakibara munched on his snack and pondered about it.

"Hm, Mido-chin told me there was something you wanted to discuss with us."

Recognition flashed on Seijuro's eyes as he remembered something.

"Ah yes, I remember."

"It would be very troublesome if you forgot about it. We came all the way here for that, nanodayo."

Kuroko watched as another tall person came in picture, but he was not as tall as the purple haired guy. Kuroko examined the teen's features as he looked somewhat familiar.

'Where have I seen him before?'

"I just temporarily forgot about it, Midorima," Akashi chuckled. "There's no way that I can forget such a thing."

"Hmph," Midorima adjusted his glasses in a graceful manner and crossed his arms. "If that's the case, we should start discussing it, I don't want any wasted time, nodayo."

Kuroko's eyes lit up as he finally remembered who the guy was.

'Oh! That guy from the cafe that Sei was with!'

"Alright then," Seijuro nodded.

"Aka-chin? Who's that person on your bed?"

Midorima's eyes widened, a surprised sound escaping his throat as he looked at Akashi's bed where there is indeed a person sitting there.

Why didn't he noticed before?

Seijuro looked back at Kuroko and smirked, tickling Kuroko's curiosity.

"Oh how rude of me to not introduce you to each other," Seijuro chuckled. "Well Kuroko, these are my friends. That tall guy right there who's eating a maiubo is Murasakibara, and that person who's holding a frog is Midorima, you've met him before right?"

Kuroko stood up and nodded his head.

"Hai. It's nice to meet both of you." he bowed.

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