Luke's P.O.V.

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I woke up the next morning with about a million post it notes stuck to my ceiling saying how much I loved Thalia and how we were gonna get married and if she was pregnant yet.I looked down to travis and conners bed to see that they were "asleep" "I know your not asleep.Ive known you long enough to know that Travis drools when he sleeps and conner snores."

They sat up.

"So," i said.

"You guys are the ones who did this i assume?" I say nodding at the ceiling above me.

"And how do you figure that?" Conner said with a mischievous grin.

"Mainly because you two are the only ones who would pull a prank on me like this."

"Fine,fine we admit defeat," conner says.

"But you have to admit it was a good prank," travis says.

"We've done better though," conner says.

Travis nods.

"By the way," i say.

"How'd you figure out i like her?" I ask.

"Ah ha!Told you it was her and not piper!" Travis says with an "i told you so" look on his face.

"Well,we saw Jason pushing you up against a tree and we figured either you and piper were going out or you and Thalia were.Then we say Thalia there blushing so we figured out you were going out with her." Conner said.

I blushed.

"Well,we're going to go down to the mess hall.See ya there bro." Travis said.

They ran out of the cabin and ran down to the mess hall.

"Oh gods" I started taking down the post it notes and found that they had been super zeus glued to the ceiling which meant that they weren't coming down for a long time.I sat on my bed for awhile then headed to the Aphrodite cabin I had an idea.

*knock knock*

"Come in." A girls voice said.

I walked in and received disgusted looks from the other people in the cabin.Except for drew and piper.Drew looked at me wistfully and piper gave me a slight smile.I took a breath then started talking to the girls of the cabin.

"So,I was wondering if you guys wanted to plan a prom for the older campers this year."

Silence went across the room then a smile spread across the faces of the girls.

"It'll be perfect," one said.

"We should hold it in the big house," another said.

"The theme could be a masquerade ball." Piper said.

"It'll be so romantic," drew said still looking at me.

Gods that girl was driving me crazy looking at me like that.

"So its settled.Can we start asking people?" I said.

Piper nodded.

"I'll have Chiron make an announcement tonight at dinner."

I nodded and headed out to my cabin to try and find a way to ask Thalia to prom.

A Bittersweet LoveWhere stories live. Discover now